An international meeting under the YSDA project was held in Sofia
In the period 24-28 August, an international meeting was held in Sofia under the project "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors", with the participation of the four young ambassadors from Bulgaria, who will have the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with their peers from Italy, Hungary , Wales and Slovenia. The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project aims to train youth leaders in the field of sport, which will organize a series of different events and initiatives in seven European countries. The main goal of the project is to motivate more and more young people to be physically active. Partner of the project from Bulgaria is "Bulgarian Sports Development Association".

During the international meeting, the young people exchanged good practice with each other and planned the activities they will perform in the 2018 - 10 week program to make their peers active. During their visit to Sofia, the participants held activities for exchange of experience, planning of future activities, were acquainted with the training methodology "Education through sport", which they would use during the activities that they will realize in 2018, visited Vitosha and visited the sights of Sofia.

This project, which will be implemented within 2 years, will focus on volunteering in the sphere of sport that promotes the social inclusion of young people between 16 and 24 years of age. The main focus is on the development of four young ambassadors of sports development from each country to be empowered to develop projects with target groups of young people from ethnic minorities and migrant backgrounds. The Bulgarian sports development association is a project partner responsible for the activities in Bulgaria.

The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project aims to pay close attention to this group of young people in the seven partner countries through youth-driven events based on volunteering. Micro projects will be implemented in each country, which will be united by the following common themes: involvement, project management, participants' satisfaction, and new opportunities for participants. The projects will be implemented by 4 young people in each country who will be young ambassadors of sports development and will implement projects aimed at young people of their age who have a greater need for socialization in our society.

Full project information:
Introducing Young ambassadors of sports development: