Young people organize YSDA peer-sports events
On January 12, 2018, the first local event on YSDA project was organized by Nikola Zdravkov, one of the ambassadors of sports development in Bulgaria. Nicola is 16 years old, from Sofia, and organizes for her friends a basketball game where 20 youngsters were sporting and having fun. This is the first of ten consecutive events that each of the four ambassadors in Bulgaria will realize by April 2018. The events in Plovdiv will be organized by Galin Genov and Alexander Iliev, and in Yakorouda by Musalina Dzhaliland youngsters up to 24 years of age from these cities can install the official mobile application of the project and participate in the events.
The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors project will take place within two years and will focus on activities connected with volunteering in the sport field, which promote the social inclusion of young people aged 16-24. A major focus will be on the development of four Youth Sport Development Ambassadors from each country to be empowered to develop projects with target groups of young people from ethnic minorities and migrant backgrounds.

At a European level, the need to use sport for the social inclusion of migrants is seen as a priority: "By bringing together people, building communities and fighting xenophobia and racism, sport has the potential to make the major move towards real integration of migrants within the EU". Website of the European Commission 2015.

The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project aims to pay close attention to this group of young people in the seven partner countries through youth-driven events based on volunteering. Micro projects will be implemented in each country, which will be united by the following common themes: involvement, project management, participants' satisfaction, and new opportunities for participants.

The project will specifically provide EU added value through the following activities:
1) Investigation into the effectiveness of peer-led interventions in promoting sport and physical activity among disengaged young people from ethnic minority/migrant populations in 7 EU partner countries;
2) Development of a mobile application and website as a sustainable online resource specifically designed to utilise the skills of young people in using social media and technology to provide instant data and feedback on activity at an EU level;
3) Different training and promotional activities, as well as expert meetings.

Full project information:
Introducing Young ambassadors of sports development:

Partners in “YSDA” project are innovative consortium of organizations from United Kingdom, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, Poland, Hungary and Bulgaria. Project is co-funded by “Erasmus+” Programme of European Commission - Collaborative Partnerships and will be implemented in 24 months.