As a follow-up to the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle, the HealthyLifestyle4All is the European Commission’s two-year campaign that aims to link sport and active lifestyles with health, food and other policies. The pledge showcases the European Commission’s commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles for all, across generations and social groups, noting that everyone can benefit from activities that improve health and well-being.
A pledge is a voluntary commitment by an organization or institution to carry out an initiative, activity or campaign to promote healthy lifestyles for all, across generations and social groups. A pledge may consist in an original initiative or a new addition to an already existing activity to be launched during the time of the campaign. The ultimate aim of a pledge is to showcase a concrete contribution to HealthyLifestyle4All.

The three main points in the pledge of Bulgarian sports development association are as follows:
• Awareness raising about the importance of sport and physical activity;
• Strengthening the capacity of sport organizations;
• Empowerment, education and opportunities for exchange of good practices for sport organizations.

Full text of the pledge

Information on what the vows are