
BSDA is partner in DevelopMENS project
DevelpMENS: Youngsters personal and social development through self-determination theory, critical thinking and media literacy is a transnational project that brings together a consortium of partners from 6 different countries, including Italy (L'ORMA - applicant), Croatia (Vere Montis), Bulgaria (BSDA) (Programme Countries) and Bosnia (BRAVO), Albania (New Vision), and Kosovo (Heimerer College) (Region 1 – Western Balkans Countries). The project amins at enhancing the personal and social development of young people through the integration of self-determination theory, critical thinking, and media literacy into formal, non-formal, and informal education. It involves conducting scientific research and focus groups on self-determination theory, intrinsic motivation, and soft skills, developing educational content based on the research findings, and creating a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) to disseminate the knowledge and skills acquired.
The MOOC is a crucial aspect of the project as it will enable the dissemination of knowledge and skills acquired from the research and virtual exchanges. The MOOC will be developed using the latest technology and will be designed to be accessible and user-friendly. It will include various modules, such as self-awareness, critical thinking, media literacy, and soft skills, which will be available in multiple languages to anyone interested in learning about these skills.

In addition to the MOOC, the project will also organize virtual exchanges among youth workers, psychologists, educators, and young people. These exchanges will be an opportunity for stakeholders to share good practices and exchange ideas on how to integrate self-determination theory, critical thinking, and media literacy into formal, non-formal, and informal education. These virtual exchanges will also facilitate intercultural learning and provide a platform for young people to develop their soft skills, such as communication and teamwork.

DevelopMENS is co-funded by the #ErasmusPlus Programme of the European Union and will be operative for 36 months.