European Week of Winter Sport

BSDA is partner in EWWS project
“European Week of Winter Sport” is an Erasmus+ co-funded initiative, aiming to encourage the participation in
sport and physical activity while raising awareness about climate change and promote sustainability through the creation and the implementation of the European Week of Winter Sport. The main project goal is promoting physical activity in winter, making winter sports more accessible and inclusive, and raising awareness about climate change and sustainability through winter sports.
Furthermore, the project's focus on sustainability and raising awareness about climate change through winter sports aligns with the EU Work Plan for Sport's goal of promoting sustainability in sport events.

Specific Objectives and Activities
  • Identify needs, challenges and resources for organizing sustainable winter sport events through:
● Collection of best sustainable practices in the events in Europe;
● Research on the impact of winter sport events on the environment;
● Research on winter sports federations challenges, perspectives for development and capacity building regarding the organization of sport events.

Support sport associations and municipalities in the organization and promotion of winter sport events for the European Week of Winter Sport (#BeWinterActive week):
● Development and implementation of the European Week of Winter Sport;
● Creation of a toolkit and a guide for the #BeWinterActive week implementation for sport clubs and municipalities;
● Creation of 5 video-tutorials on how to create videos for promoting the event for the EWoWS with a focus on local tourism and sustainability that will compete in the EWoWS Awards (Promotional Videos);
● Organization of an International Workshop with 4 Sport Clubs/Municipalities representatives (the EWoWS Ambassadors - 36 in total) per participating organization country that will be trained for implementing a winter sport event during the EWoWS;
● Organization of Local Winter Sport Pilot Events with the support of the EWoWS Ambassadors;
● Organization of Local Workshops by the EWoWS that will train 12 Sport Clubs/Municipalities representatives in each participating organization country (108 in total).

Raise awareness about climate change and sustainability through the European Week of Winter sport and sport in general:
● Creation of 10 video-tutorials about how to organize events with zero impact on the environment;
● Creation of a Compendium of good practices to organize sustainable sport events.
● Creation of a Social Media Campaign on the importance of sustainability in sport events, specifically in winter sport events.
● Organization of the EWoWS Contest for the Top 5 Best Promotional Videos and the Top 5 Best Sustainable Solutions Awards in the events organized.

The project is coordinated by L’ORMA from Italy, in cooperation with organizations from Belgium, Bulgaria (Bulgarian Sports Development Association), Croatia, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Spain and will deliver activities in the period 2024 – 2026.