Sport Diplomacy Academy

Joanna Dochevska: Many Bulgarians are already aware of the need for sports
Sport is ambition, emotion and inspiration, initiated by people for people and is based on personal beliefs about integrity, dedication and fairness, as well as the principles of "fair play", teamwork, discipline, equal start and non-discrimination. Sport is a great way to prevent many of the problems in our society such as social exclusion, violence, crime and addiction. This is the belief of the Bulgarian Sports Development Association, which has been operating for 10 years, organizing many events that inspire citizens to #BeActive, creating and implementing a large number of international trainings and events.
The Chairwoman of the Bulgarian Sports Development Association Joanna Dochevska told Radio Sofia that the non-governmental organization has provided to hundreds of young people and experts the opportunity to participate in these trainings and to visit different sites in different parts of the world.

One of the association's initiatives is in the field of sports diplomacy - the first Sports Diplomacy Academy was established, which brings together representatives of four countries - three European and one from the Western Balkans.

Joanna Dochevska pointed out that there is a significant increase in physical activity of Bulgarians, as sport is an escape from the busy everyday life and at the same time gives us increased efficiency and the ability to be productive for longer. On the other hand, it is the product "Health".

More about the activities of the association, the importance of physical activity and the development of Bulgarian sports - hear in the interview of Boyan Bochev with Joanna Dochevska: