Project's web page

On the 4th of June, 2021, in Sofia, Bulgaria, the International conference Good Governance in Sport was held, bringing together high-level representatives from 6 continents, sport experts and stake-holders, the conference shed light on some very important issues regarding good governance in the sport sector. More particularly: the European perspective of integrity in sport, good governance prac-tices and inclusiveness in sport governance, challenges and perspectives of good governance in sport at European level, and many more topics were presented in the National Sports Academy “Vasil Lev-ski’’
On 03rd of February 2021 an online meeting of the #GoodGovernanceSport consortium was held online. The project partners has discussed the current situation in their countries, the state of art of the project and its achievements so far, as well as the following steps to be made in order to achieve project goals.
After a challenging 2020, the #GoodGovernanceSport team has prepared for the sport organizations a motivational calendar that aims to inspire the delivery of good governance principles in action. Through 12 months of inspiration, we aim to empower the sport entities to ensure that good governance is applied in every aspect of activity undertaken. The calendar is available also for download at the present article as attached. Feel free to download the calendar and to insire good governance in sport!
After a challenging 2020, the #GoodGovernanceSport team has prepared for the sport organizations a motivational calendar that aims to inspire the delivery of good governance principles in action. Through 12 months of inspiration, we aim to empower the sport entities to ensure that good governance is applied in every aspect of activity undertaken. The calendar is available also for download at the present article as attached. Feel free to download the calendar and to insire good governance in sport!
On October 23, 2020, at the invitation of Zlatka Atanasova – a philosophy teacher and in compliance with anti-epidemic measures, the Bulgarian sports development association introduced to the 12th grade students from the 57 School "St. Naum Ohridski” the policies of the European Union in the field of sports. The students got acquainted with the basic regulations in the sector, the importance and priorities of sport, the activities implemented so far after creating the prerequisites for a common European sports policy, as well as future ones planned in the next Multiannual Financial Framework of the Union 2021 – 2027. The opportunities that the Erasmus+ Program opens up for future sports professionals and the challenges that the sports sector faces such as: the fight against doping and sports results manipulation, the prevention of corruption and the promotion of good governance, were also presented.
The European Week of Sport #BeActive was held for the sixth consecutive year and between 23 and 30 September 2020 all residents and guests of Sofia had the opportunity to become part of the largest sports event in Europe. European Week of Sport is an initiative of the European Commission, which is held each September throughout Europe since 2015. The week, which takes the form of an awareness raising campaign, promotes the multiple benefits of sports and physical activity and everyone can participate, regardless of age, background or physical condition.
A.D.E.L. Slovakia, #GoodGovernanceSport project partner organized 2 dissemination events on 25 June 2020. Events in 2 different time slots were organized due Covid19 in order to avoid the concentration of the high number of people in one room. All together, 20 representatives of sport federations, sport clubs, municipality and PE teachers attended the events.
Ouputs and activities of the project were presented and has been shared with the participants information about Erasmus+ Sport Programme, possibilities how to get funding and examples of our previous projects. Interesting conversations about the topics and also planned future cooperation and initiatives in this field has been achieved.
On February 29, 2020, a round table was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", which brought together 30 representatives of sports organizations and made them familiar with the results of an extensive survey of the websites of 56 sports organizations at national and European level aimed at establishing to what extent the sports structures ensure transparency of the decisions made and the financial operations they perform, which are already in the final stage. Full details of the survey data are available at (English) and were presented in detail at the event. The framework of the Erasmus+ Sport Program and the opportunities for financing projects in the field of sport from the European Union was also presented during the event.
In the period 28 November 2019 – 02 December 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, an international training of #GoodGovernanceSport was held bringing together 36 management representatives of sports clubs and sport organizations from 7 European countries. During the three training days, the participants went through interactive training modules in the sphere of good governance and in particular: importance and need for good governance in sport, good practices, online presence and transparency of sports organizations, financial transparency and integrity in sport. On the second day, a high level round table was organized with the participation of H.E. Tibor Navracsics – European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport that in his last working day on this position informed the participants about the achievements in the sport sector that he made in his mandate and inspired the participants to become good lobbyists for #BeActive Europe. In the event took part also representatives of State Secretary of Sport of Hungary, Hungarian School Sport Federation, Hungarian Leisure Sport Association and professional athletes, that was able to transmit their point of view on the topic of good governance.
Good Governance in Sport project presented at the Second International Scientific Congress "Applied Sciences in Sport", jointly with the First Balkan Congress "Physical Education, Sport, Health" at the NSA "Vasil Levski".
In the period 13-14 of November 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria was held Peer Learning Event ‘Good governance in the context of major sport event’s lifecycle: from bidding procedure to legacy’, organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and under the EU Work Plan for Sport 2017-2020.
In the period November 4-7, 2019, in Samokov, Bulgaria, a seminar of the Association of Balkan Athletics Federations was held, which aims to empower and motivate more and more women to take leadership positions in sports. The event was opened by Dobromir Karamarinov, President of Bulgarian Athletic Federation and Balkan athletics Federation, First Vice President of European Athletics and World Athletics council member.
On 09/10/2019, Bulgarian sports development association chairwoman Joanna Dochevska, had a meeting in #Sofia with representatives of the Council of Europe during their Consultative Visit on compliance with the European Sport Charter.
Ministry of Youth and Sports organized "European Week of Sport #BEactive" for the fifth consecutive year. From 23 to 30 September 2019, people of all ages had the opportunity to get acquainted with over 50 sports and practice them freely. The campaign was opened by the Minister of Youth and Sports Krasen Kralev on September 23, 2019, and from 24 to 26 September between 10 am and 5 pm in Arena Armeec the Ministry has organized Sports Fair #BeActive Fair, in which the Bulgarian Sports Development Association took part .
In the period May 29 - June 3, 2019 in Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, an international training of #GoodGovernanceSport was held bringing together over 40 representatives of sports clubs and sport organizations from 7 European countries. During the four training days, the participants went through interactive training modules in the sphere of good governance and in particular: importance and need for good governance in sport, good practices, online presence and transparency of sports organizations, financial transparency and integrity in sport. The "Good governance in sport" project is coordinated by "Bulgarian sports development association” for a period of 30 months, and aims to provide analyzes and concrete tools for improvement of the management processes in the field of sport. Representatives of the project partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia took part in the training and within the training introduced to the participants the results of a survey on transparency and publicity held in 56 European and national sports federations in 2018. Full information of the survey available at A number of activities lie ahead – a training and qualification activities, including an online training module, value promotion activities and good governance principles, as well as specific instruments for achieving sustainable and transparent governance in the sector.
On May 09, 2019, Day of Europe during the Practice of Students in the Master's Degree in Sports Management at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of BSDA presented the activities of the organization and emphasized the activities on #GoodGovernanceSport project and European Sport Policy.
On March 1, 2019, a round table was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", which brought together representatives of more than 40 sports organizations and made them familiar with the results of an extensive survey of the websites of 56 sports organizations at national and European level aimed at establishing to what extent the sports structures ensure transparency of the decisions made and the financial operations they perform, which are already in the final stage. Full details of the survey data are available at (English) and were presented in detail at the event. The framework of the Erasmus+ Sport Program and the opportunities for financing projects in the field of sport from the European Union was also presented during the event.
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized an Information Day on the 05th of February 2019 in Brussels to inform potential candidates about the possibilities of Erasmus + Sport, EU funding mechanisms and EU sports policy.
The event was opened by European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, who outlined the Europe's 2019 sports policy, which will also be a priority in the projects to be funded by the Commission. Experts who presented different presentations discussed policy with the participants, gave advice on preparing and submitting proposals, and explained in details the financial aspects of the program. The participants had the opportunity to meet current and future partners as well as to see examples of successful projects.
#GoodGovernanceSport Training course (TC) about accountability and transparency in sport will be held in Sassari, Italy.
- Duration:
4 full working days activities, 2 travel days in the period 29th of May – 3rd of June 2019. The countries involved in the project are the following: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia (3 participants/per country + 2 team members).
- Full information about the project:
On December 22, 2018, at the Fireball Sports Hall, a children's Christmas training of small athletes from Darko Hall was held. Over 50 children participated in the training and were supported by the Bulgarian sports development association, which sustainably supports the activities of the sports hall in 2018.
On December 16, 2018, Sunday, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" a children's Christmas competition took place, which was organized by the Athletics Club at the Sports Academy with the participation of Prof. Ivaylo Lazarov and PhD Teresa Marinova. The event was attended by more than 100 children and was supported by the Bulgarian Sports Development Association.
#BeInclusive #BeActive #BeCreative: Bulgaria and the countries of the Western Balkans with common ideas for the European Sports Week in 2019.
Center for Development of Human Resources, Erasmus + National Agency in Bulgaria, organized an "Annual Meeting of Accredited Organizations on Volunteer Projects", which took place in Sofia on 12th of December 2018.
In the period 06-09 December 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece, the second international meeting under the "Good governance in sport" project was held, which "Bulgarian sports development association" coordinates for a period of 30 months, and which aims to provide analyzes and concrete tools for improvement of the management processes in the field of sport. Representatives of the project partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia took part in the meeting and approved the final version of the study on the transparency and publicity of 56 European and national sports federations. Full information of the survey data will be published within 2018 at: A number of activities lie ahead – a training and qualification activities, including an online training module, value promotion activities and good governance principles, as well as specific instruments for achieving sustainable and transparent governance in the sector.
On December 6, 2018, at an official ceremony in Sofia, organized by the Center for Development of Human Resources, the Bulgarian sports development association was awarded with a quality sign for the organization and implementation of the “Vitamin S(port)” project, co-funded under the Erasmus + Program Key Action 1 - Mobility for young people and youth workers. The award was received by Emiliya Tzanova – Project assistant at BSDA and Nikola Zdravkov - a volunteer in the organization.
Between 04 and 05 December 2018, in Brussels, the second meeting of the sports cluster "Integrity in Sport", organized by the European Commission's Sport Directorate, was held to provide the participants with the opportunity to discuss the challenges in the sector, which include anti-doping, match fixing, sport corruption, gender equality, athletes' representation in sports policy-making processes, and so on. The meeting was attended by Joanna Dochevska, chairwoman of the Bulgarian sports development association, which implements the project "Good Governance in Sport" #GoodGovernanceSport.
The tenth anniversary scientific conference "Challenges and Prospects for Sports Science - Problems to Modern Sport" was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" on The conference aimed at bringing together the scientific knowledge of the national and international scientific community in the field of sport, as well as to familiarize the participants with good practice on the topic.
On October 3, 2018, during practice of “Sports management” Master's degree at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Board of BSDA presented the activities of the organization and emphasized the activities of the #GoodGovernanceSport project.
Eurasia Bulgarian Open Badminton Championships 2018 is the biggest international badminton competition in Bulgaria. It is of the International Series class and has a prize pool of $ 10,000. This competition is attended by top athletes from Europe and the world, as well as Bulgarian stars such as Stoevi sisters, Maria Mitsova, Daniel Nikolov, Ivan Panev, Ivan Rusev, Peyo Boychinov, Petya Nedelcheva and others. More than 280 contestants from 37 countries take part in the international sports event, which is taking place in Europe Badminton Hall, held until 16 August 2018, and the event is free of charge for citizens.
#Good governance in sport project is coordinated by the Bulgarian sports development association and it has been co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission - Sport chapter and it is a collaborative partnership that will work together for 30 months, starting from 01/01/2018 and includes 7 countries. The #GoodGovernanceSport project aims to find a way to analyze, collect and promote good practices for appropriate visibility of decisions made by responsible bodies and transparency of sports organizations in Europe and partner countries.
On July 10, 2018 a meeting of the Public Council of the Commission on Interaction with Non-Governmental Organizations and Complaints of Citizens was held. During the meeting the progress of Bulgaria on the international initiative "Partnership for open government" and the Bill on amendment and supplement of the Act on the direct participation of citizens in state power and local self-government were discussed.
More than 300 children participated in the final stage of the National Children's Athletic Games "Athletics is looking for talents", which took place at "Vasil Levski" stadium in Sofia.
For the 12th consecutive year in the water-educational sports center of the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" in Nessebar children and adults with disabilities participated in a summer camp on adapted water sports.
On June 15, 2018, a second SAN / Sport Action Network meeting was held in Brussels. The network, set up in the autumn of 2017, brings together active bodies in the field of sport and physical activity at European level, representatives of the European Commission's Directorate General for Sport, consultants and representatives of the sports industry, and aims to share information and develop synergies between existing initiatives, while contributing to focusing national authorities' attention on investment in sports and sports infrastructure. The next financial framework for cohesion policy was discussed and how sporting activities were intertwined.
- Place:
in front of the Hristo Smirnenski lyceum, Zlatitsa;
- Date:
- Time:
- Visits:
100 children;
- Organizer:
Advisory Council for Youth Policy - Zlatitsa and Zlatitsa Municipality.
On May 28, 2018, during the practice of Master's degree in sports management at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Board of BSDA presented the activities of the organization and introduced the students to the project #GoodGovernanceSport.
People with disabilities and their friends with big hearts ran together to support the sport for all and create an Adapted Youth Career Center. On May 19, the first Bulgarian edition of one of the most successful mini-marathons with a cause in the world took place. At the launch of Run2Gether, people with disabilities and their supporters with big hearts of politics, business, stage, sports, as well as many other sympathetic citizens stood alongside.
Today, May 17, 2018, on the occasion of the Day of Bulgarian Sport from 10:30 am in the Zaimov Park in Sofia was held a Children's Sports Day "Health in All Policies", organized in partnership by the Association of Bulgarians suffering from Asthma, Allergy and COPD (ABBA) and the Bulgarian sports development association, with the support of the Department of Athletics at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" and the Sports School "Darko Team". More than 100 children from kindergartens were organized into sections for physical activity under the program of the International Athletics Federation - Children's athletics, which offers a combination of fun and movement. An information section was also created during the event, where citizens received information on chronic respiratory diseases and sports. The event was also supported by the Bulgarian Society of Pulmonary Diseases (BDBB), the Bulgarian Society of Allergology (BDA), the Confederation of Health Protection (CHP) and was held within the framework of the National Information Campaign "Lung Health in All Policies" - 2018.
Validation of the European values through sport and combating doping in sport are among the main priorities of the Ministry of Youth and Sports during the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU. This was announced by the Minister of Youth and Sport - Krasen Kralev, who opened the first meeting of the European Commission's Expert Group "Integrity" (XG INT), held in Varna (23-24 April 2018). The expert group includes representatives of the governments of all member states, as well as representatives of international institutions working in the field of integrity in sport - Interpol, Europol, UN, Sporttardar. According to Krasen Kralev, sport allows the imposition of values for the integration of communities to prevent violence and aggression among adolescents. That is why it is important to ensure fair competition on equal terms in all sports. The minister also said that the use of doping is no less manipulative than the previously agreed outcome for betting profit, because it violates the equality of rivals.
The #GoodGovernanceSport project aims to find a way to analyze, collect and disseminate good practices for visibility of decisions made in sports organizations, information on governing bodies and the transparency of public funding.
In the period 27 - 30 March, 2018 in Sofia was held the first international meeting on the project "Good Governance in Sport", which is going to be coordinated by the Bulgarian Sports Development Association in a period of 36 months and which aims to provide analyzes and specific tools to improve management processes in the area of sport. The meeting was attended by representatives of the partner organizations of the project from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, which during the meeting, have examined the goals that the project will achieve and the steps for the implementation of the activities which are going to ensure greater transparency of the public face of sports organizations through a methodology for analyzing their websites, training and certification activities, including an online training module, activities to promote values and good governance principles as well as specific instruments for achieving sustainable and transparent governance in the sector.
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized an Information Day on the 30th of January 2018 in Brussels to inform potential candidates about the possibilities of Erasmus + Sport, EU funding mechanisms and EU sports policy.
Our country will also host the event, which is the most important for the development of the sector - the Sports Forum, said in the morning TV block Joanna Dochevska, chairwoman of the Bulgarian sports development association.
Good governance in sport sector has been a topic that is becoming more and more needed in the field, as we are seeing the endless problems, starting with: