Project S.M.I.L.E.

Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information. Using software, apps, and hardware such as AR glasses, augmented reality overlays digital content onto real-life environments and objects. #SMILE project team presents an augmented reality experience, which is free of charge and can be installed on mobile devices using both operating systems. The aim of the AR application #SMILE is to provide a soothing environment and opportunity for a pleasant experience in times of difficulty. Enjoy #SMILE and immerse yourself in augmented reality.
Install the Augmented reality #SMILE. Launch the experience by following the steps below:
1. Install the app on your device (the QR code below);
2. Open the #SMILE app and point your phone at the image in this news story;
3. Enjoy the experience and let us enjoy a soothing world together.

We recommend to print the image as otherwise you would need two devices – one with the application launched and one in which the launching picture to be visible (Tips: you can print the image as well in black/white).

Researches suggests that Augmented Reality (AR) has the potential to be a valuable tool for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in several ways:
• AR technology can provide a more visual and interactive learning experience for individuals with ASD, allowing them to engage with virtual objects and environments that are designed to be more engaging and stimulating. This can help with social communication skills, spatial awareness, and sensory integration;
• AR can also be used to develop social skills by creating virtual scenarios that simulate real-life social interactions, allowing individuals with ASD to practice and develop social skills in a safe and controlled environment;
• Additionally, AR can assist in improving executive functioning skills, including attention, organization, planning, and task completion. This is because AR can provide visual cues and reminders to help individuals with ASD stay on task and complete activities.
Overall, while research in this area is still relatively new, there is growing evidence to suggest that AR technology can be a useful tool for improving the quality of life and social communication skills for individuals with ASD, so we are presenting to you the #SMILE Augmented reality.

SMILE application is designed as an interesting tool to be used in variety of situations, or as well – just to enjoy AR in your environment:
• As a relax pattern for everyone having challenging or anxiety moment;
• As a crisis calming tool for people from the autistic spectrum;
• As an entertainment tool for kids and youngsters.

#SMILE project is totally in line with the horizontal objectives, pursued by the Erasmus+ Programme, that is co-funding the present initiative, aiming to ensure inclusion and diversity in all fields of education, training, youth and sport as the project idea itself is a representation of the inclusion of a highly disadvantage group into international activities. The proposal is in line as well with the priority of encouraging participation in sport and physical activity as all the actions that SMILE will implement are focused on sustainable involvement of persons with intellectual disabilities in sport activities on local, national and international level.