
Bulgarian experts at #EmpowerSport training in Turkey
An innovative training within the #EmpowerSport programme, targeting sport experts, youth workers and PE teachers, took place in Sakarya, Turkey in the period 02-06 June 2024. The event, which is part of an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, was organised to exchange experiences and acquire new skills in the field of adapted sports. Participants had the opportunity to learn about the activities of the host organisation Kargenc Club, which works for the social inclusion of people with disabilities through sport.
The training included theoretical and practical modules covering a wide range of adapted sports such as swimming, goalball, a multi-sport event for people with disabilities and water sports. In addition, the 40 sports experts from Bulgaria, who took part in the training, had the opportunity to learn more about the best practices in the field and discuss the challenges and prospects for the development of adapted sport. The sports experts also celebrated the 5th of June – World Environment Day, with an event dedicated to cleaning and protecting water bodies by taking part in an action in Lake Sapanka.

The training programme was aimed at improving the professional competences of the participants and fostering networking among professionals in the field. #EmpowerSport continues to contribute to the development of sports experts and to offer exchange and training opportunities in different European countries. #EmpowerSport is a sport experts development programme, which will be active until 2027, providing opportunities for individuals to experience learning in different country in terms of acquiring new theoretical and practical skills. #EmpowerSport is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme in the framework of Adult accreditation 2020-1-BG01-KA120-ADU-094689 with project number 2023-1-BG01-KA121-ADU-000112471.