SWIM: Swim Without Fear

BSDA took part in Familathlon 2024
On June 8th, 2024, for another year Familathlon – the biggest outdoor celebration dedicated to sports and entertainment, gathered hundreds of citizens and guests of Sofia on the big meadow in South Park. Bulgarian sports development association took an active part in the event, presenting the activities of the ongoing initiatives, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union:
• CHEER – the CHEER initiative https://cheer.education/ aims to improve the mental health of young people by stimulating their creativity and harnessing their youthful enthusiasm;

• #SWIM – Swim Without Fear https://myswim.org/ aims to tackle hydrophobia in an innovative and different way, namely by developing a good practice guide that will be useful for both parents and swimming organisations.

The event also included a free golf training session provided by the Bulgarian sports development association, as well as an interactive game of darts, which the children could try.