
BSDA took part in Sports Night
The European Week of Sport #BeActive takes place annually between 23 and 30 September, and during its 10th edition, which took place in 2024, all residents and guests of Sofia had the opportunity to be part of the biggest sports celebration in Europe. The European Week of Sport is an initiative of the European Commission that has been taking place in September across Europe since 2015. The week, which takes the form of an awareness-raising campaign, promotes the many benefits of sport and physical activity and is open to all, regardless of age, background or physical condition.
Bulgarian sports development association has traditionally actively participated in the campaign with information stands during the #BeActive Sports Village and #BeActveNight in front of the National Palace of Culture on the 28th of September.

During the EWoS events, BSDA presented its current initiatives, which are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme: +:
• Strong Mind for Success, which builds the capacity of modern sports organisations in the area of mental health awareness and care for young athletes;
• #BeInclusiveWaterPolo – an initiative that aims to serve as an innovative addition to the world of inclusive sports for people with intellectual disabilities and launch adapted water polo in Bulgaria;
• SHOWDOWN – an initiative that aims to facilitate and encourage the participation of people with visual impairments in physical activity that will improve their health and help them create social connections in the communities in which they live;
• #CarbonZero – Carbon Neutral Sports Clubs Network – C ZERO SPORT CLUBS aims to encourage small sports clubs in Europe to take concrete action to protect the climate by implementing eco-friendly management practices and using digital tools;
• P.E.rfect – a project that supports the effective inclusion of children with autism spectrum disorders in the education system;
• OrWithSnor – OR. with SNORKELING focuses on orienteering and scuba diving activities in a shallow marine environment, pools and lakes to reunite children with physical disabilities with their peers without disabilities;
• #EmpowerSport – a sports expert development programme providing opportunities to exchange experiences across countries in order to learn new theoretical and practical skills.

Many volunteers from the "Vasil Levski" National Sports Academy took an active part in the organization of these events. The national coordinator of the European Week of Sport for Bulgaria is the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the campaign is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.