SMS: Strong Mind for Success

BSDA took part in the annual SHARE 2.0 conference
On the 11th of September 2024, Joanna Dochevska, representative of Bulgarian sports development association (BSDA) took part in the annual SHARE 2.0 conference, which took place in Brussels, Belgium. The event brought together leading experts and organisations from different sectors to discuss the future of sport, innovation and sustainable development. The conference opened with a welcome address by Normunds Poppens, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission's Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC), and continued with a series of interactive sessions and small group discussions covering topics such as youth mental health, digitalisation in sport and environmental action in sports organisations.
BSDA actively participated in the discussions, contributing experience and expertise on topics related to innovation and sustainability in sport. The event concluded with closing remarks from Georg Hausler, Director of the Directorate Culture, Creativity and Sport at DG EAC, who outlined the next steps for the development of the SHARE 2.0 initiative.

BSDA, a longstanding member of the SHARE initiative, remains dedicated to leveraging the platform to highlight the significant impact of sports on regional and local development. Through active participation in SHARE 2.0, BSDA continues to contribute to the dialogue and actions that aim to elevate the profile of sports within European, national, regional, and local policy agendas. BSDA is committed to the development of sports in Bulgaria, advocating for the integration of sports within all aspects of society and promoting the values and benefits of physical activity for community development.

The SHARE initiative has been instrumental in bringing together public authorities, sports organizations, universities, SMEs, and business support organizations to champion the cause of sports for regional development. BSDA looks forward to continuing this collaborative journey through SHARE 2.0, fostering greater awareness and unlocking new funding opportunities for sport-related activities, as well as opportunities for innovation, such as the #SMS – Strong Mind for Success initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. In the framework of #SMS, an innovative augmented reality (AR) app was created to support the mental health of young athletes. Through augmented reality, the project provides engaging and interactive methods to develop the psychological resilience and emotional well-being of young footballers in Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia. More information and access to the app: