On 22.10.2021 an online meeting under the “Working to Approach Youth Workers as Agents of a Response to Disability” (WAYWARD) project was held. The initiative involves 7 partner organizations from Greece, Ireland, Italy, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Mexico and the Philippines with the overarching am of empowering personal development, overcoming of stereotypes and social inclusion of young people (age 18-25) with intellectual disability in partner countries through the empowerment of youth workers and NGOs in terms of understanding and methodological toolset based on the ETS (Education Through Sport) methodology.
World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated on October 20 since 1996 as an initiative of the British National Osteoporosis Society with the support of the European Commission. Since 1997, the day has been organized by the International Osteoporosis Foundation. The purpose of the day is to raise public awareness about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis. The motto of the day for 2021 is: "Let's take care of the health of our bones".
In the period 18-19.10.2021, in Sofia, Bulgaria the second partnership meeting under the “Europe is moving” project was held. The project is implemented jointly by partner organizations from Bulgaria, Spain and Slovenia. The project aims to encourage the media to participate more actively and effectively in promoting social inclusion and equal opportunities through sports practice and physical activity.
In the period 13-16 of October 2021, the final meeting of HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement (HEPOSI) project was held, bringing together organizations from Italy, Paraguay and Peru. The international consortium worked together for three years with the aim of capacity building and youth empowerment in the field of healthy and active lifestyle.
On 15th of October 2021 has been conducted an online lecture of the forth module of Sport Diplomacy Academy, focused on Didactic Communication in the School and Sport Sector, delivered by Maurizio Mondoni - Professor and researcher at the Catholic University of Milan, Meritorious National Federation Coach, Meritorious National Instructor Minibasket. Prof. Mondoni shared its extensive practical experience in communication methods and approaches in sport and highlighted the importance of proper message and the way that the message can reach the audience. The online module of #SportDiplomacyAcademy is devoted on working with media and sport for development, originally planned to be implemented in Milan, Italy.
In the period 11-14 October 2021, in Sofia, Bulgaria an international meeting within the "Sport for inclusion and inclusion for sport" project was held, which brought together partners from 4 European countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport is a project that seeks to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport through improvement of skills of coaches, trainers and other staff of organizations active in the fields of sport, youth work and social care and activities related to the social inclusion through sports - Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner of the initiative from Bulgaria, was represented by Ivaylo Zdravkov, a board member of BSDA.
On October 13, 2021, a focus group under the “EWA – Empowering Women Athletes: Tackling Feminine Abuse, Violence and Discrimination in EU Sports Clubs” project was held at the National Sports Academy. The event focused on how sport can be used as a means of self-expression and realization, citizenship and solidarity, and the challenges of violence and discrimination against women, which is still a barrier to the more serious presence of women in our sports clubs. These barriers operate on multiple levels (verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, social, cultural, organizational, economic, mediatial, etc.) and are collectively perceived as an overarching chauvinistic culture that permeates every female athlete's career.
On 10th of October 2021 the fourth lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on how to make #SportDiplomacy more concrete and tangible.
In the period 07-10 October 2021 in Amandola, Italy an international meeting under the Hike Together project was held, which was attended by the project partners from Austria, Bulgaria, Italy and Croatia. During the meeting, the partners visited the Grotte di Frasassi Cave, the Temple del Valadier and hiked in the Monti Sibillini National Park. On October 9, during the conference, the partner organizations presented the most popular hike routes in their countries. The conference was also attended by the Mayor of Amandola - Adolfo Marinangeli.
Coaching workshop is the one of the main activities within the "South-East European Youth Para-Sport Exchange: SEEYou" project. The aim of the coaching workshop is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge in the field of sports for persons with disabilities (primary swimming) among the primary target assembly of sports coaches, coaches, sports instructors and sports experts. The main organizers of the workshops were para-sport organizations from Croatia (Croatian Paralympic Committee and Rijeka Sport Association for persons with disabilities), Serbia (Paralympic Committee of Serbia) and Greece (Hellenic Paralympic Committee).
On 05.10.2021 in 131. SS "Kliment Arkadievich Timiryazev" in Mladost, Sofia, during a class with one of the 7th grades, a lecture was held on the topic "Bees and their vital function for the existence of life on Earth". The eco-event started with an energizer in order to promote physical activity among young people and ended with the installation of 3 hotels for bees and insects in the school yard. The students were very happy with what was happening and expressed the opinion that it was very inspiring for them in the future.
The aim of the „LET’S SWIM BEYOND THE HANDICAPS“ project is to include physical disabled kids in social life, to improve quality of their lives, to give them the opportunity to have fun during physical activity and sports with their peers, to make them discover their skills, and to create a different environment where they can feel free to do exercise. The consortium includes partner organizations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Turkey.
On September 26, 2021 in the city of Sofia during the Sunday school at the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the residential area Mladost, Sofia, flowering shrubs were planted in order to ennoble the area around the church. This eco-initiative was co-financed by the Eco-friendly Sports project.
In the period September 23-30, 2021, a youth exchange Structured Learning for Awareness in Media was held in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in which 5 young people from Bulgaria took part. The project includes 7 partner organizations, both from and outside EU - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Italy, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey.
In the period 28.09.-30.09.2021 in the city of Naples, Italy an international meeting of the MiSport project was held. During the first working day, the consortium discussed the selected good practices for the inclusion of refugees in each of the partner countries. The second day of the meeting started with an international conference on the topic, which was attended by local stakeholders, who introduced the project participants to the refugee situation at the local level and ways to deal with and integrate refugees. The working day continued with a training visit of the Napoli United team, where refugees train alongside local youth. Their head coach is the son of the legend Diego Armando Maradona - Diego Armando Maradona Sinagra.
On 30th of September 2021 the third lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on social entrepreneurship in sport in action through the sustainable model of Play More – social enterprise, based in Milan. Luigi de Micco, co-founder of the organization, has presented the long path to create meaning through sport, ensuring that participation of everyone is granted, aiming to reach sport, wellbeing and integration in local community. The sport centre in the heart of Milan is offering hundreds of sport activities and courses and 1 in 6 kids in the facility is #BeActive for free (with dream to reach 50% of the participating kids enjoying physical activity with the support of Play More). Multiple sport activities are proposed for mixture of participants with or without disabilities, with migrant background, various ages and social status (including company employees) empowering that sport is for everyone and everyone is the same on the sport ground. The online module of #SportDiplomacyAcademy is devoted on working with media and sport for development, originally planned to be implemented in Milan, Italy.
On 26th of September 2021 the second lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on inclusive design of sport with the concrete example of Baskin. Baskin is a new sport invented in Cremona in 2003 whose objective is to create an activity literally everyone – girls, boys, the able and those with physical or mental challenges to overcome – can participate in and enjoy to the fullest extent of their abilities. "Good design enables, bad design disables - in sport, in life, in all our environment. Baskin is an representation of Sport Design for All" was one of the main highlights during the "From an inclusion spectrum of options to a model of sport designed for all: The innovative example of Baskin” lecture of Alexy Valet – Consultant in Training Processes and Project Design (Sport, education, inclusion & innovation). The online module of #SportDiplomacyAcademy is devoted on working with media and sport for development, originally planned to be implemented in Milan, Italy.
On September 25, 2021, in the “Madara” pool of the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" #Train4Inclusive event in adapted swimming was held, which was attended by athletes with intellectual disabilities. #Train4Inclusive is implemented by an international consortium including representatives of Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Spain and aims to develop a methodology and tools that sports coaches and managers of sports activities for people with disabilities will be able to use to monitor the progress of their physical, cognitive and social skills. The swimming event included 50m adapted swimming with a partner, as well as water fun for the participants, who were divided into two age groups - under and over 17 years.
On September 24, 2021, a #BeInclusive Shared Experience event in the field of adapted sports was held at the National Sports Academy - Gurguliat building, in which various practices were presented, including: Adapted basketball in NSA, Parakids Sports Practices, FAFA -Balkans and Black Sea region, sports club "Wonders" and the social enterprise "Little house", wheelchair basketball or how sport gives a second chance to return to the game of life, sports practices in adapted martial arts and those for adults, adapted water sports and adapted physical activity for breast cancer patients, the challenge of Special Olympics "FitFive", Hippotherapy, as well as initiatives supported by the Erasmus+ program #Train4Inclusive, #Let's Include, #Play'In Together - Playdagodgy, GoSport, EWA, Active in Sport again.
In the period 18-19 September 2021, in the town of Chepelare was held a training of young people in the field of volunteering during sporting events, implemented by the Bulgarian sports development association under the Du Motion project, which aims to train volunteers how to organize national and international sports competitions. The initiative conducts similar trainings in Croatia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Turkey, and after the educational activities a stage of practical training for young people during national and international sports competitions is forthcoming. Five young people who have successfully completed their practice will have the opportunity to participate as volunteers in an international marathon in Croatia in the spring of 2022. The event brought together students from the Secondary School "Vasil Dechev" and the Sports School "Olympic Hopes" and was held thanks to the professional hosting and organization of the director Radoslav Agovski.
On September 21, 2021, during the training-seminar activity of the students in the Master's Degree, "Sports Management" in the National Sports Academy "Vassil Levski", Joanna Dochevska – Chairperson of the Bulgarian Sports Deveopment Association (BSDA) and Ivaylo Zdravkov - Member of the Board of BSDA, presented the goals, activities and tasks of the project "Sport Diplomacy Academy". One of the main goals of the project team is to inspire and train at least 20 sports diplomats in sports suits, with practical skills and knowledge in the field of sports diplomacy (political dialogue and international relations, campaign creation, successful verbal and nonverbal communication , public speaking, media relations, protocol and etiquette, EU foreign policy and values).
In the period 18-19 September 2021, in the town of Chepelare was held a training of young people in the field of volunteering during sporting events, implemented by the Bulgarian Sports Development Association.
In the period 14-17 September 2021, an international meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was held, which brought together the partner organizations from eight European countries - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey. SONKEI project seeks to prevent violence and intolerance in sport through education and promotion of European values of respect, courage, gender equality, inclusion and non-violence. The project intends to change the mindsets of people and initiate social change that will provide safer environment for everyone. During the meeting, an international conference was held with the participation of local sports experts, who together with international participants discussed and analyzed violence in sport and the approaches with which it could be prevented. Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner of the initiative from Bulgaria, was represented by Joanna Dochevska - Chairperson of the organization.
On 15th of September 2021 the first lecture of the online module of Sport Diplomacy Academy was delivered and it was focused on access to public funds for sports stakeholders, EU Regulatory matters that have an impact on sports and institutional relations based on the huge experience in the field of Valerio Giovannini - Public Affairs Specialist, Executive Office / National Governance & Global Institutions of the Union of European Football Associations (UEFA). Valerio Giovannini is a qualified lawyer from Italy with over 10 years of experience in EU regulatory matters, institutional relations, and public funding. He is a lecturer in the Master Programme organized by the LUISS Business school on EU financial mechanisms and participated as a speaker in a number of high-level conferences on this topic. The online module of #SportDiplomacyAcademy is devoted on working with media and sport for development, originally planned to be implemented in Milan, Italy.
On September 17, 2021, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Sofia, Bulgaria a sports event under the #SPORTolerance project was held. During the event, new practical activities were tested, using sports and physical activity to provoke tolerance and solidarity among the participants. The event was attended by over 25 students and teachers - students under the Erasmus+ program "Student mobility for studies".
In the period 13-15 September 2021, in the city of Rijeka, Croatia, an international training under the "AQUA PRIMORJE" project was held, co-financed by the Erasmus+ program.
On September 15, 2021, Bulgarian sports development association took part in an international online partnership meeting under the ENDURANCE project, which brings together eight partners from seven countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Slovakia and Spain). The discussion among the partners covered topics such as project management, administration and reporting, guidelines and practical recommendations for updating the status of the online project platform, ensuring, monitoring and evaluating the quality of the intellectual outputs, as well as issues related to dissemination and vision of the project goals and objectives.
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