On April 25, 2019, on St. Nedelya square in Sofia, a children's sports holiday with outdoor games for the youngest was held, organized by the Bulgarian Sports Development Association (BSDA), Darko Team Athletics club, and the Association of Bulgarians wit COPD and asthma (ABBA). Along with the sports games, over 200 children from 4 kindergartens and 8 schools participated in painting of eggs, which after the decoration were given to the social kitchen in the courtyard of the church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius"at 47 Georg Vashington Str. The children took part in a religious procession, which started from the "St. Sunday" church, with the blessing of Bishop Polycarp of Belogradchik and was led by clergymen of the Sofia Diocese.
In the period 08 - 09 April 2019, a Sport Forum 2019 was organized in Bucharest, Romania, as part of the Romanian Presidency of the EU Council, organized by the European Commission - Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture and gathered over 400 policy makers from across Europe. The forum #EUSportForum was officially opened by Romanian Olympic Committee Chairman Mihai Cualiou and Director for Innovation, International Cooperation and Sport at the Directorate - General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, Antoaneta Angelova-Krasteva, who shared: "The European Sport Forum, which starts in Bucharest, will highlight the future of the anti-doping system, the role of sports federations in European sport policy and their involvement in improving the conditions for mass sport for EU citizens. Enormous progress has been made in recent years, including targeted funding for sports through the Erasmus+ program and a constructive dialogue with sports structures at various levels, which has never been so purposeful and productive before".
The first HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement (HEPOSI) project was held in Sofia in the period March 24 and 27, 2019, bringing together organizations from Italy, Paraguay and Peru to work together on the project, with the aim of capacity building in participating Latin American organizations. The WHO has placed health and physical activities among the crucial determinants of global health, underlining the role of insufficient levels of movement as one of the main factors enhancing death risk worldwide (see WHO Website). Physical activity has been proven to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases as cancer and diabetes, enjoying therefore a crucial importance not only for the wellbeing of the individuals but also from the perspective of societal health.
On March 1, 2019, a round table was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", which brought together representatives of more than 40 sports organizations and made them familiar with the results of an extensive survey of the websites of 56 sports organizations at national and European level aimed at establishing to what extent the sports structures ensure transparency of the decisions made and the financial operations they perform, which are already in the final stage. Full details of the survey data are available at (English) and were presented in detail at the event. The framework of the Erasmus+ Sport Program and the opportunities for financing projects in the field of sport from the European Union was also presented during the event.
The project „Start Now!: Strategic partnership for health promotion among youth”, officially has come to the end. Partners are very proud of the project’s results, especially the modules of non-formal health education and project results has been highlighted also by the Polish National Erasmus+ Agency that evaluated the project as „Good Practice”.
In the period 11-13 February 2019, a kick off meeting of CPMES project was held in Sassari, Italy, during which the partners agreed on a work plan of the activities and planned in detail each of the events foreseen in the project. The meeting was attended by the Bulgarian partner through Joanna Dochevska, Chairwoman of Bulgarian sports development association and Kalinka Gudarovska, BSDA Board member. "Curricular Pathways for Migrants’ Empowerment through Sport” (CPMES) focuses on employing the methodology of Education Through Sport (ETS) as a vehicle of upskilling and curricular enhancement of Sport Coaches and Trainers working in the field with disadvantaged target groups with migrant background in the perspective of fostering inclusion and equal opportunities in as well as through Sport for migrants. The project pursues the specific Erasmus Plus Collaborative Partnership priorities related to encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in Sport. CPMES aims at answering the challenge of social exclusion of migrants in Europe, with a particular focus on addressing the compelling issue of systematic underrepresentation of migrants in non-playing roles within Sport clubs and organizations.
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized an Information Day on the 05th of February 2019 in Brussels to inform potential candidates about the possibilities of Erasmus + Sport, EU funding mechanisms and EU sports policy.
The European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organized an Information Day on the 05th of February 2019 in Brussels to inform potential candidates about the possibilities of Erasmus + Sport, EU funding mechanisms and EU sports policy. The event was opened by European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Tibor Navracsics, who outlined the Europe's 2019 sports policy, which will also be a priority in the projects to be funded by the Commission. Experts who presented different presentations discussed policy with the participants, gave advice on preparing and submitting proposals, and explained in details the financial aspects of the program. The participants had the opportunity to meet current and future partners as well as to see examples of successful projects.
In the first days of 2019, Bulgarian sports development association has become full member of World Pacific Sports Federation and has been authorized to promote and encourage pacific Sports on National Level for peace.
#GoodGovernanceSport Training course (TC) about accountability and transparency in sport will be held in Sassari, Italy. - Duration: 4 full working days activities, 2 travel days in the period 29th of May – 3rd of June 2019. The countries involved in the project are the following: Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Slovakia (3 participants/per country + 2 team members). - Full information about the project:
In the period 14-17 January, 2019 the first meeting of the partners in the project "Sports diplomatic academy" was held in Sofia. 7 initiatives have been funded under the mobility program in the sphere of sport, with the Diplomacy Academy being the contribution of our country to the purposeful development of human capacity in sport, which the European Commission is starting to support this year. The total budget of this call for project proposals is 1.2 million EUR. The call was intended to contribute to the development of sports organizations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. The exchange of people, ideas and good practices could be beneficial to people, their organizations for sport and society as a whole are going to be one of the main priorities of Erasmus + in its sporting part after 2020 when it is expected and doubling the budget. Full information on the selection is available on the European Commission's website:
Sport and Dialogue Against Violence and Discrimination project aims to tackle the problem of violence, discrimination, bullying in and around sporting events, among athletes, sport teams and their supporters. We aim to counter violent behavior through open dialogue, inclusion, tolerance and fair play in sport. The project wants to contribute to the use of sports as a diplomatic tool, one that unites nations and people, regardless of their background, ethnicity or gender. As we have recently seen in the Winter Olympics in Pyeong Chang 2018, North and South Korea marched under the same flag, putting aside their long term/widely known political conflicts. International sporting events have the capacity to unite people from around the world and promote positive attitudes, tolerance, inclusion, friendship and cooperation among nations. They are a reflection of how different ethnicities can compete under the same flag and how cultural diversity plays a more and more important role in each country, in all sports. Fostering the inclusion of disadvantaged people and promoting equal rights and gender balance in sports is a great way to advertise sport and attract a broader public and make them want to engage in physical activities. Finding positive role models among athletes is especially important for children and young people, who look up to them. That is why it is important that people involved in sports come from various backgrounds, ethnic groups, that all sports involve both male and female competitors and that they send the right messages to the public; promote a healthy lifestyle and the development of grassroots sports and events for everyone.
A first collaboration between the Organizing Committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, PLAY International and UNICEF resulted in the creation of a "Values of Olympism" project, conveying strong educational messages related to the three values of Olympism: respect, friendship, excellence. The "Values of Olympism" kit was a great success for school teachers and socio-sports animators in cities in 2016-2017, and children who were able to both enjoy and learn from these sports and sports activities. This kit, duplicated to 260 physical copies, has been adapted to the local realities of 4 countries (Burundi, Kosovo, Vanuatu and Haiti) allowing educators and teachers to play with 15,000 children.
On December 22, 2018, at the Fireball Sports Hall, a children's Christmas training of small athletes from Darko Hall was held. Over 50 children participated in the training and were supported by the Bulgarian sports development association, which sustainably supports the activities of the sports hall in 2018.
Project “Winter Sport is Coming” aims to promote winter sports not only as physical activity, but also as educational tool to support social inclusion, intercultural dialogue and European citizenship among young people from different backgrounds by development and implementation of “Winter Sports Program”. From long-term perspective, aim of the project is to increase participation of young people in Winter Sports and create model of camp that will include elements of non-formal education methods and can be implemented by other sport organizations in the future.
On December 16, 2018, Sunday, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" a children's Christmas competition took place, which was organized by the Athletics Club at the Sports Academy with the participation of Prof. Ivaylo Lazarov and PhD Teresa Marinova. The event was attended by more than 100 children and was supported by the Bulgarian Sports Development Association.
#BeInclusive #BeActive #BeCreative: Bulgaria and the countries of the Western Balkans with common ideas for the European Sports Week in 2019.
Center for Development of Human Resources, Erasmus + National Agency in Bulgaria, organized an "Annual Meeting of Accredited Organizations on Volunteer Projects", which took place in Sofia on 12th of December 2018.
Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018), Serbia will implement “(Re) Play for Inclusion” project supported by Erasmus + program, for the Capacity Building in The Field of Youth action in cooperation with partner organizations and sport clubs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary and Macedonia. The project will bring together young people from Program and Partner countries to explore sport and games as methods in youth work and develop new forms of youth work for social inclusion through sport.
In the period 06-09 December 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece, the second international meeting under the "Good governance in sport" project was held, which "Bulgarian sports development association" coordinates for a period of 30 months, and which aims to provide analyzes and concrete tools for improvement of the management processes in the field of sport. Representatives of the project partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia took part in the meeting and approved the final version of the study on the transparency and publicity of 56 European and national sports federations. Full information of the survey data will be published within 2018 at: A number of activities lie ahead – a training and qualification activities, including an online training module, value promotion activities and good governance principles, as well as specific instruments for achieving sustainable and transparent governance in the sector.
On December 6, 2018, at an official ceremony in Sofia, organized by the Center for Development of Human Resources, the Bulgarian sports development association was awarded with a quality sign for the organization and implementation of the “Vitamin S(port)” project, co-funded under the Erasmus + Program Key Action 1 - Mobility for young people and youth workers. The award was received by Emiliya Tzanova – Project assistant at BSDA and Nikola Zdravkov - a volunteer in the organization.
Between 04 and 05 December 2018, in Brussels, the second meeting of the sports cluster "Integrity in Sport", organized by the European Commission's Sport Directorate, was held to provide the participants with the opportunity to discuss the challenges in the sector, which include anti-doping, match fixing, sport corruption, gender equality, athletes' representation in sports policy-making processes, and so on. The meeting was attended by Joanna Dochevska, chairwoman of the Bulgarian sports development association, which implements the project "Good Governance in Sport" #GoodGovernanceSport.
The tenth anniversary scientific conference "Challenges and Prospects for Sports Science - Problems to Modern Sport" was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" on The conference aimed at bringing together the scientific knowledge of the national and international scientific community in the field of sport, as well as to familiarize the participants with good practice on the topic.
According to official EU data, the European society suffers currently of lack of involvement in sport and physical activity and people are often not aware about the importance of healthy lifestyle. Sport organizations all over Europe play a crucial role in encouraging and engaging people to get physically active, but the level of civic involvement in voluntary activities related to sport is also warning.
On 14 November 2018, a high-level round table on "Learning mobility in sport" was held in Salzburg, Austria, in the frame of the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the EU. The meeting was attended by sports experts from the Member States, representatives of the European Commission and the academic community in Europe. Among the participants was Joanna Dochevska - chairwoman of the Bulgarian sports development association, which presented the framework of the project "Sports Diplomacy Academy", which was been granted for funding few days ago by Brussels. 7 initiatives have been funded under the mobility program in the field of sport, with the Diplomatic Academy being the contribution of Bulgaria to the purposeful development of human capacity in sport, which the European Commission is starting to support this year. The total budget of this call for proposals was € 1.2 million. The call was intended to contribute to the development of sports organizations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. The exchange of people, ideas and good practices can benefit people, their organizations and sport and society as a whole and will be one of the main priorities of Erasmus + in its Sport chapter after 2020, when it expects a doubling of the budget. Full information on the selection is available on the European Commission's website: Sport Diplomacy Academy /SDA/ project is legacy of recent First Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2018 and will focus on Western Balkans lot as a logical follow up of all implemented #EU2018BG Main activities: prioritizing the EU perspective and connectivity of the WB, referring to the SofiaDeclaration and Sofia Priority Agenda. Both #EU and WB partners should continue to invest efforts in strengthening the cooperation and good practices exchange, focused on democracy, security and fundamental rights.
In the period 13-15 November 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria, a final meeting on the project "Youth ambassadors of sport volunteering" was held, which in the last 2 years prepared and supported the implementation of the activities for promotion of volunteer activities in the field of sport. Ivaylo Zdravkov and Kalinka Gudarovska, members of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian sports development association and Emilia Tsanova, also part of the Association's team, took part in the meeting.
- SENTA project is focused on following topic: Promote education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well support the implementation of the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes The objectives of the SENTA are to contribute to the recommended policy actions of the EC 2020 strategy and the dual career of elite athletes.
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