In the period 18-19 September 2021, in the town of Chepelare was held a training of young people in the field of volunteering during sporting events, implemented by the Bulgarian sports development association under the Du Motion project, which aims to train volunteers how to organize national and international sports competitions. The initiative conducts similar trainings in Croatia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Sweden and Turkey, and after the educational activities a stage of practical training for young people during national and international sports competitions is forthcoming. Five young people who have successfully completed their practice will have the opportunity to participate as volunteers in an international marathon in Croatia in the spring of 2022. The event brought together students from the Secondary School "Vasil Dechev" and the Sports School "Olympic Hopes" and was held thanks to the professional hosting and organization of the director Radoslav Agovski.
The project, co-financed by the European Union's Erasmus+ Sport program, has developed modules to be used for the training of volunteers. Through these trainings, the volunteers get acquainted with all aspects of the organization of major sporting events, logistics services, event management and organization of competitions and the most current topic concerning the impact of COVID-19 on sporting events. The project will also develop a manual, summarizing the information on working with volunteers during sporting events and their successful training.

Volunteers who have gone through the training program as part of the "Du Motion" project have the opportunity to participate as volunteers in at least one national and one international competition by the end of the year. The best among them will become ambassadors of the Project of their countries at the Final Event in May 2022 in Dubrovnik.