On 19.10.2022, in kindergarten №100 "Acad. Pencho Raykov", Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association presented the activities of the "HEPA SUN – Sports, health and fun for preschool children” project, in which pedagogical specialists from the educational institution took part. The event was organized in partnership with the management of the kindergarten in the person of Zlatka Atanasova – director and Mrs. Diana Hadjiangelova from the Association of Bulgarians with Asthma, Allergy and COPD (ABBA). Interesting information about adapted sports was shared by Ivelina Kirilova, lecturer at NSA Vasil Levski and expert at BSDA.
On October 19, 2022, in Sofia, Bulgaria, a local sports event was held under the ONE GOAL project, in which more than 25 female sports coaches took part. During the event, theoretical and practical sessions on the following topics were held: practical knowledge and skills, the necessary practice and qualification needed to practice women's football, methods and practices for the promotion of female football coaches, the promotion of physical and technical qualities of female football players, contemporary role models in women's football and effective psychological methods and techniques for working with adolescents. The event was held with the support of the "Football and Tennis" department at the "Vasil Levski" National Sports Academy with the participation of highly qualified and experienced football coaches, such as Assoc. Prof. Kornelia Naydenova – coach of the goalkeepers in the women's team of Bulgaria and NSA.
In the period 11–16.10.2022 in the town of Sassari, Italy, the final international work meeting of the WAYWARD project was held. The event was attended by representatives of the six partner countries – Bulgaria, Vietnam, Greece, Italy, Ireland and Mexico. The project consortium includes organizations working specifically with the target group (young people with intellectual disabilities) by using the Education Through Sport methodology. Representatives of Bulgarian sports development association were Konstantin Zankov, board member, and Teodor Petrov, a volunteer in the organization.
In the period October 12-15, 2022, an international training of sports professionals was held in Rome, Italy, within the framework of the "WOMEN'S HURDLES" project, aiming to develop and implement innovative practices related to the promotion of women's physical activity, especially of those in a dynamic family and work environment. The project objective is to promote and support EU strategies in the area of social inclusion and equal opportunities of women, which are based on physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The duration of the project is 24 months and involves 6 partner organizations from 5 European countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Romania. Research and online activities have been carried out so far. The sports specialists Valentina Nedeva (MVJ SPORT) and Ivelina Dimitrova (Class for your back) took part in the training, as well as representatives of Bulgarian sports development association – Joanna Dochevska, Ivelina Kirilova and Velina Andonova.
On 15.10.2022 the final conference of the HEPA (Health Enhancing Physical Activity) – Health and Fitness Assessment for Seniors project was held in Zagreb, Croatia. The research carried out within the framework of the project in the individual partner countries was presented, as well as an analysis of the impact of the HEPA project on the elderly people who took part in the pilot sessions. The achieved results, the activities carried out and the main recommendations for the future implementation of the HEPA project for the elderly were discussed. Kalinka Gudarovska – board member of BSDA and Emilia Pergelova – international projects coordinator in BSDA took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association.
In the period October 11 – 14, 2022, a partner meeting under the EWA project – Empowering Women Athletes: Tackling Feminine Abuse, Violence and Discrimination in EU Sports Clubs was held in Athens, Greece. During the meeting, the partner local training sessions, the prepared training materials (Strategy and tools for the empowerment of female athletes), the established centralized model of the "Help Desk – for Athletes and Women", as well as the crucial role of sports professionals in combating abuse, violence and discrimination against women, were discussed.
On the 11th and the 12th of October, 2022, in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, a partner meeting under the ORIENT project was held. The results achieved so far, the organization of future project activities, as well as the ways of popularizing their results were discussed. The consortium consists of 5 European countries and one from the Western Balkans: Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kalinka Gudarovska, board member of the association and Emiliya Tsanova, part of the association's team, took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association (BSDA). The meeting was held in the building of the Center for Family Counseling at the Local Commission for Combating Antisocial Behaviors of Minors, Mladost metropolitan area, with secretary Mrs. Stela Tsakina.
On October 07, 2022, in the Home for adults with intellectual disabilities in the town of Banya – Sonic Start, a table tennis tournament and sports activities were held, which brought to the users and educators of the social service a day full of smiles. The game of table tennis is one of the most engaging activities for the brain and even older players can play table tennis recreationally. It is a fast moving, competitive activity which positively affects physical fitness levels, improves sustained attention and enhances the development of visuospatial skills. Due to these characteristics and the accessibility of the sport, it has been proved through research that table tennis can be effectively used as a prevention and rehabilitation program for people suffering or at risk to develop Alzheimer's and dementia since it activates up to five different sections of their brains simultaneously.
On October 5, 2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association conducted a training on the topic "The Key Role of Sports Professionals in the Fight against Violence and Discrimination against Women in Sports", part of the "EWA – Empowering Women Athletes: Tackling Feminine Abuse, Violence and Discrimination in EU Sports Clubs" project. During the training, the project activities, available training materials, barriers, obstacles and challenges faced by women practicing sports and physical activity were discussed. These barriers operate at multiple levels (verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, social, cultural, organizational, economic, mediatial, etc.) and are collectively perceived as an overarching chauvinistic culture that permeates every female athlete's career.
On the 30th of September, 2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sport development association held an event under the “Working to Approach Youth Workers as Agents of a Response to Disability – WAYWARD” project, in which more than 20 sports experts, coaches and sports specialists took part.
In the period September 26–30, 2022, Bulgarian sports development association held events for adolescents in Sofia under the SONKEI project, through which the activities and results of the project were tested and promoted. During the events, practices and methods to deal with racism and violence in sports and various methodologies and practical educational tools for children and young people were tested to raise awareness about violence in sports and promote European and universal human values such as respect, courage, mutual aid, empathy, gender equality and inclusion as a tool to prevent violence and intolerance in sport at national and regional levels. The project aims to change people's mindset and initiate social change to ensure a safer living environment.
On the 30th of September, 2022, with the support of the "Wrestling and Judo" department at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association, held a sports tournament under the “Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport” – Propellers project, in which representatives of the wrestling teams of NSA (men) took part.
On September 29, 2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association conducted a training under the "Multisport Community Experience" project, which was attended by sports educators and students. The project is a joint partnership between five partner organizations: Bulgarian Sports Development Association (Bulgaria), Dubrovnik Sports Association (Croatia), European Platform for Sport Innovation (Belgium), NGO Nest Berlin (Germany), and University of Thessaly (Greece).
The international meeting under the Propellers project took place in Sassari, Sardinia, in the period 26–28 September 2022, during which partners from 6 European countries, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Greece, Croatia and Spain had the opportunity to discuss the activities and the educational materials, developed under the “Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport” – Propellers initiative. Joanna Dochevska – chairperson of Bulgarian sports development association, a partner in the project, took part in the meeting.
On the 28th of September 2022, with the support of the Sports Faculty at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association held an event under the “Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport” – Propellers project, in which more than 30 sports specialists took part in. The participants discussed topics such as contemporary opportunities and challenges related to the promotion of voluntary participation in sports activities, awareness of the health enhancing physical activity, the different health models among the EU population, with particular emphasis on the disadvantaged categories (NEET, disabled, elderly, etc.).
On the 28th of September,2022, with the support of the "Football and Tennis" Department at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association, held a sports tournament under the “Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport” – Propellers project, in which representatives of the football teams of the NSA (men) took part. The event was honored by the head of the department – Assoc. Prof. Emil Atanasov.
On the 28th of September, 2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association held an event under the #SafeSPORTevent project, in which more than 40 sports experts, coaches and sports specialists took part. During the meeting, the following topics were discussed: the security protocols created within the project; the potential risks and threats during sport events; the necessary measures and protocols to optimize the security and safety of spectators, administrative staff, athletes and officials.
On the 27th of September 2022, in Kindergarten №195 "Mormarevi Brothers", Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association conducted a training within the "Sports, health and fun for preschool children (SUN)" project, in which pedagogues and specialists from the educational institution took part. The event was organized in partnership with the management of the kindergarten in the person of Albena Tsocheva – director and Mrs. Diana Hadjiangelova from the Association of Bulgarians with Asthma, Allergy and COPD (ABBA).
On the 27th of September 2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association held an event under the “Professional and personal experience through lifelong learning and regular sport” – Propellers project, in which more than 30 sports pedagogues, sports psychologists, coaches and sports specialists took part in. The participants discussed topics such as contemporary opportunities and challenges related to the promotion of voluntary participation in sports activities, awareness of the health enhancing physical activity, the different health models among the EU population, with particular emphasis on the disadvantaged categories (NEET, disabled, elderly, etc.).
After the official launch of ENDURANCE, partners kick-started immediately with the implementation and development of the second intellectual output of the project which included and detailed and comprehensive mapping of: •Best practices/case studies in linking sports and entrepreneurship for sustainable careers; •Systemic pathways from sports to business; •Role models and success stories; •Gaps in current entrepreneurship training for (future) sportsmen and sports students.
Links between sports & entrepreneurship are manifold, yet seldom recognized and rarely capitalized upon. The two are rarely found together in VET as effectively connected domains with synergic links: hence the need for much-needed entrepreneurial competences due to low EE in sports-oriented disciplines and lack of tailored entrepreneurship training.
On September 24, 2022, in the Silver City swimming pool in Sofia, an adapted swimming event #Train4Inclusive was held, organized within the European Week of Sports by the Bulgarian sports development association, in which athletes with intellectual disabilities took part. #Train4Inclusive is an initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, which is implemented by an international consortium including representatives of Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Spain and aims to develop a methodology and tools that sports coaches and managers of sports activities for people with disabilities can use to monitor the progress of their physical, cognitive and social skills.
On September 24, 2022, within the #BeActive Sports Village of outdoor sports and the #BeActive Night of Sports, which took place in front of the National Palace of Culture, Bulgarian sports development association presented to the citizens of the capital and the sports lovers their current activities and initiatives. In the sports village, over 25 federations and clubs presented their activities through demonstrations and informational materials, and within the Night of Sports, a program was held on stage with demonstrations of sports federations and clubs. The European Week of Sport #BeActive is organized for the eight consecutive year by the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Between 23 and 30 September, everyone will have the opportunity to become part of the largest sports festival for amateurs in Europe.
On September 21, 2022, on the territory of the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" (NSA), Bulgarian sports development association attended an open football training organized in partnership with the management of the Faculty of Sports with Dean Prof. Krasimir Petkov, D.Sc. and the "Football and Tennis" Department headed by Assoc. Prof. Emil Atanasov, Ph.D.
On September 19, 2022, during practice of the master's degree students in the specialty "Sports Management" of the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Joanna Dochevska – chairperson of BSDA, presented the activities of the organization and introduced the "BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents" project. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: the need to increase skills and employability, modernize education, training and youth work with a focus on young people and the development of transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe.
In the period 15-17 September, 2022, an international meeting of the consortium implementing the Sport for Every Child: Fit Kids project was held in Sassari, Italy. The initiative encourages social inclusion and equal opportunities and its main goal is to develop a modular based Physical Education methodology of sport activities, sport games and exercising for children and youngsters with mental and developmental disorders, illnesses and other disabilities. The project’s team is focused on the groups that have to overcome most obstacles in doing sports activities, sport games and exercising.
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