In the period 15-18 of May 2024 in Solkan and Ajdovščina, Slovenia has been held the mid-term partners meeting of the initiative SMS - Strong Mind for Success. #SMS is an Erasmus Plus co-funded initiative aiming to build capacity in sport organizations nowadays in the field of mental care awareness and care towards youth athletes. Strong Mind for Success project will deliver innovative education on how mental health can contribute for the successful development of young football players in Bulgaria, Italy and Slovenia.
On May 16, 2024, the "New Stars" athletics tournament was held at the "Vasil Levski" National Sports Academy. The tournament was organized at an extremely high level by the KLASA sports club and the director of the tournament – Assoc. prof. Plamen Nyagin. The 46th edition of the international tournament included in its program a 100 and 200-meter inclusive start, as well as shot put, in which 53 athletes with intellectual disabilities took part.
May 9, 2024 marks the 17th anniversary of Bulgaria's membership in the European Union. Our country joined the European family in 2007, believing in the words of one of the founding fathers of the EU, Jean Monnet, "There is no future for the people of Europe other than in union". On May 9, 2024, from 10.00. until 12.00, in Zaimov Park, a sports holiday and celebration of Europe Day was held, which was attended by children from the capital kindergartens: Kindergarten 8 "Prof. Dr. Elka Petrova" with Director – Mrs. Velichka Popova; Kindergarten 100 "Acad. Pencho Raykov" with director – Mrs. Zlatka Atanasova; Kindergarten 104 "Moyat Svyat" with director – Mrs. Rumyana Ilieva; Kindergarten 191 "Prikazka bez krai" with director – Mrs. Slava Vassileva, Kindergarten 195 " Mormarevi Brothers " with director – Mrs. Albena Tsocheva. The host of the event was Nadezhda Panayotova, the Bulgarian voice of one of the favourite Disney cartoon characters – Elsa from Frozen.
On May 2, 2024 – the Holy Thursday, from 11:00. until 12:30 the traditional painting of Easter eggs and sports games took place on Sveta Nedelya Square and was attended by children from the capital's kindergartens. At 12:30 a festive procession started with children carrying icons and baskets of painted eggs, led by clergymen of the Sofia Holy Metropolis. The host of the event was Nadezhda Panayotova, the Bulgarian voice of one of the favorite Disney cartoon characters – Elsa.
In the period 27-30 April 2024, in Madeira, Portugal, the final partner meeting of the CHEER project took place, during which the partners discussed the activities implemented within the project, which aims to improve the mental health of young people by stimulating their creativity and harnessing their youth enthusiasm. During the partners' meeting, the finished intellectual outputs of the CHEER project were discussed – CHEER metaphorical maps, CHEER training videos, CHEER podcasts and the launched campaign on Instagram. These products are part of the initiative, that aims to improve and optimise the mental health of young people.
The fastest kids took part in an epic racing battle during the spring edition of one of the biggest children's sporting events in Bulgaria – Darko Team Baby Cup 5. On Sunday, April 28, the Vasil Levski National Stadium became the arena of the emotional competition between the youngest sports heroes of the country. The competition was open to all children between 4 and 13 years old, whether they are beginners or already have sports experience. The Darko Team Baby Cup is an innovative combination of children's athletics and sprinting, with children competing over distances of 50 and 60 metres.
On the 24th of April 2024, an event was successfully held as part of the Carbon Neutral Sports Clubs Network – C ZERO SPORT CLUBS initiative. The project aims to encourage small European sports clubs to take concrete actions to support climate protection by adopting an eco-friendly approach to governance and using digital tools. Participants in the event were students from the Department of Wrestling and Judo of the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski". The students performed a practical activity – they cleaned the green areas of the Academy, emphasizing the importance of caring for nature and its conservation. This example shows that caring for the environment should be a priority for all students, lecturers and guests of the NSA.
On April 21, 2024, at 131 SU "Kliment Arkadievich Timiryazev" in Mladost district, a test event #SWIM was held, which helped children aged 4 to 7 years, along with their parents, to overcome their fear of water and develop basic swimming skills. Supported by the Erasmus+ program and realized in partnership with the "Adapted Sports" Club and the Center for Personal Development Support 'Sofia' Sports School, the event included various exercises for relaxation, underwater breathing, and fun water games that stimulate both the physical and mental development of the children.
The #Train4Family International project meeting in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, on 3rd and 4th April 2024, was a landmark event, significantly advancing the project's objectives. Initiated by host's welcoming speech, the gathering quickly moved into productive presentations and discussions by Partner Associations, highlighting collaborative achievements and future strategies. Key discussions centered on the project management plan, state of the art, dissemination plans, and the development of an e-learning platform, which were interspersed with networking breaks that enriched participant connections.
On 28.03.2024 and 02.04.2024, in Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association held an online presentation of the materials developed within the CHEER project. During the training, the finished intellectual outputs of the project were presented – CHEER metaphorical maps, CHEER training videos, CHEER podcasts and promoted the launched campaign on Instagram. These products are part of the project, and aim to improve and optimise the mental health of young people.
On March 30, 2024, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Bulgarian sports development association, held a focus group under the "IOFA – Inclusive Orienteering for All" project, which aims to make orienteering more accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone, particularly individuals with disabilities and sport organizations working with them. The event was attended by coaches and sports professionals working with people with disabilities who are directly involved with the target group, and have the necessary knowledge and skills, as well as years of experience on this topic. The project brings together organisations from Croatia, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Hungary, each with specific knowledge and experience in promoting inclusion and/or orienteering.
On March 26th, 2024, in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association, in cooperation with the volleyball club "Ahil" Sofia, held a dissemination event within the initiative "Carbon Neutral Sports Club Network – C ZERO SPORTS CLUB". The event was attended by the young graduates of the volleyball club and their coach Alexander Rashkov, who supported the initiative and planted flowers and trees, highlighting the importance of children taking an active part in this process.
On March 26th, 2024, the first meeting under the DevelpMENS: Youngsters personal and social development through self-determination theory, critical thinking and media literacy project was held. This is a transnational project that brings together a consortium of partners from 6 different countries, including Italy (L'ORMA - applicant), Croatia (Vere Montis), Bulgaria (BSDA) (Programme Countries) and Bosnia (BRAVO), Albania (New Vision), and Kosovo (Heimerer College) (Region 1 – Western Balkans Countries). The meeting analysed the project plan and the activities foreseen for the next 3 years.
On March 25th in Sofia, during a training session of the Adapted Basketball NSA, Bulgarian sports development association celebrated the World Down Syndrome Day in a special way. Over 40 athletes with intellectual disabilities, their partners and coaches celebrated this special day together with colorful socks that show diversity, rights and opportunities for all.
On March 20, 2024, Sofia hosted an exciting event - the first meeting of the #BeInclusiveWaterPolo project, which presented its innovative mission to overcome stereotypes towards people with intellectual disabilities through adapted sports. This pioneering project aims to unite people through team sports and showed that water polo can be fun and suitable for everyone, regardless of their abilities. The event in Sofia brought together partner organizations, which shared ideas and practices for developing adapted water polo in Bulgaria and Croatia. The main products of #BeInclusiveWaterPolo include an international sports event, an inclusion manual, and an online platform, all aimed at strengthening adapted sports and creating a more inclusive society. The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and demonstrates the commitment of the participating organizations to social inclusion and the development of sports.
An innovative training within the #EmpowerSport programme, aimed at sports experts, youth workers and PE teachers, took place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in the period 15-17 March 2024. The event, which is part of an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme, was organised to exchange experiences and acquire new skills in the field of adapted sports. Participants had the opportunity to learn more about the activities of the hosting organisation AETOI Thessaloniki, which works for the social inclusion of people with disabilities through sport.
We’re excited to announce the release of the #SWIM Research Report, a comprehensive study dedicated to combatting hydrophobia among children and promoting safe swimming practices. The #SWIM – Swim Without Fear initiative, supported by ErasmusPlus, focuses on harnessing the power of sport to address the psychological challenges associated with water fear, particularly in nations like Bulgaria and Croatia where sea tourism is significant and drowning incidents are unfortunately common.
The Strong Mind for Success #SMS National Training Workshop took place in Sofia, Bulgaria in the period 20 – 21 February 2024 and provided youth and athletes with the opportunity to improve their knowledge on the topic of mental health, while providing a platform for networking for future activities. The #SMS workshop was dedicated to educating young footballers on mental health and how a holistic approach can be applied to their professional development. The training included lectures as well as workshops in which participants actively discussed the topic.
The Bulgarian Sports Development Association (BSDA) is proud to announce its participation in the kick-off meeting of the SHARE 2.0 Community of Practice (CoP), which took place online on February 20, 2024. This event marks the commencement of an exciting phase for the SHARE initiative, which has been at the forefront of promoting sports and physical activity's role in regional and local development across Europe since its inception in 2018.
The free 50-page edition "FUTURE" is entirely dedicated to children and youth sports in Bulgaria. In 2023, this unique project for Bulgarian print publications published several issues, with the May and November editions featuring information about the #SWIM – Swim without Fear initiative. The magazine showcases young talents in Bulgarian sports, advocates for sports among adolescents in all its aspects – including organization and funding at the club, federation, and state levels; the educational role of sports; and the benefits of sports for young people. It is published with the support of the Bulgarian Sports Totalisator and distributed free of charge through the BST network.
In the period 7-10.02.2024 in the city of Sakarya, Turkey, an international partner meeting under the "Carbon Neutral Sports Club Network – C ZERO SPORTS CLUB" project was held. During the meeting, the "Carbon Footprint Measurement Programme for Sports Organisations", created for the purpose of the project, was discussed, as well as the results obtained and analysed and the future objectives and activities of the project. The consortium consists of 7 partner organisations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia and Turkey.
In the period 06-09 February 2024, in Bologna, Italy, the first meeting of the consortium that is going to implement the “POP-UP, Sport for empowerment and for hoping-up your personal and professional pathway" project was held. The initiative aims to enable the training and integration pathways for low-skilled adult populations, especially women and people with disabilities, to develop and incorporate innovative training activities centered around physical activity and sports, with a focus on health and well-being, and a pedagogical perspective of empowerment and skills development relevant to employment. The activities developed support the accessibility and inclusion of these populations and will create opportunities at both a personal and professional level.
On January 30, 2024, in the building of the European Commission in Brussels, the annual edition of the Sport Info Day was held, during which detailed information about the opportunities offered by the sports sector of the Erasmus+ programme to promote sports and physical activity at local, regional and national level was provided. The event brought together over 700 sports experts and was opened by Iliana Ivanova – European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth: “I am convinced that our community can have a greater impact than ever at this critical time for Europe – and for the European sport. Harnessing the power of sport to continue the positive transformation of our societies, in 2024 we renew the EU Work Plan for Sport and support positive change with €51 million and over 300 projects across Europe".
The Inclusive Orienteering for All (IOFA) project aims to make the sport of Trail Orienteering more accessible, inclusive, and enjoyable for everyone, particularly individuals with disabilities and sport operators. The project brings together organizations from Croatia, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Hungary, each with unique expertise in promoting inclusive sports and Trail Orienteering. The first meeting of the team that will implement the initiative took place on the 27th of January 2024 in Madrid, Spain and was attended by Joanna Dochevska and Ivaylo Zdravkov, representatives of the partner organization from Bulgaria – Bulgarian sports development association.
“European Week of Winter Sport” is an Erasmus+ co-funded initiative, aiming to encourage the participation in sport and physical activity while raising awareness about climate change and promote sustainability through the creation and the implementation of the European Week of Winter Sport. The first meeting of the project, which brought together sports organizations from 8 countries, was held in Madrid, Spain on the 26th of January 2024 and was attended by Joanna Dochevska and Ivaylo Zdravkov, representatives of the partner organization from Bulgaria – Bulgarian sports development association.
On 25th of January 2024, the first meeting within the SHOWDOWN initiative took place, hosted by Bulgarian Sports Development Association, bringing together partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, and Spain. The SHOWDOWN project aims to facilitate and promote the participation of people with visual impairments in health-enhancing physical activities that will improve their health and help them establish social connections within their communities. To achieve this, the project will focus on the Showdown game, which is an inclusive sport that welcomes people of all genders, ages, and abilities.
On the 20th of January 2024, in the town of Bansko, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association held a dissemination event within the framework of the EntrepreNEETs initiative, in which sports specialists, sports managers and professionals in the field of sports participated. During the event, the prepared training materials under the project were discussed and tested, as well as the future partnership activities. ЕntrepreNEETs is a strategic partnership in the field of youth that aims to empower young female NEETs by providing them with entrepreneurial skills in the fields of social entrepreneurship, intercultural communication, project management, digital, and ICT skills.
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