On March 1, 2020, a #DancingWithHealth national event under the "Dance with Health" project was held in Sofia, bringing together dance instructors, trained to use dance therapy for women diagnosed with breast cancer and practitioners in their groups in Sofia and Dobrich. During the event the participants practiced together the dances involved in the therapy - Salsa, Merengue, Bachata, Cha-cha, Rumba and Tango. The organizers from the Bulgarian sports development association hope that there will be an opportunity for a new dance therapy groups for women with breast cancer in 2020, in order to ensure an active and fulfilling life for more and more Bulgarians.
On February 29, 2020, a round table was held at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", which brought together 30 representatives of sports organizations and made them familiar with the results of an extensive survey of the websites of 56 sports organizations at national and European level aimed at establishing to what extent the sports structures ensure transparency of the decisions made and the financial operations they perform, which are already in the final stage. Full details of the survey data are available at (English) and were presented in detail at the event. The framework of the Erasmus+ Sport Program and the opportunities for financing projects in the field of sport from the European Union was also presented during the event.
During the Croatian Presidency of the Council of the EU, one of the priorities in the field of sport will be dedicated to sport qualifications and competences for coaches. Council Conclusions will be prepared on this topic and the Presidency has organized an expert seminar in the period 27/02 – 28/02/2020, where some specific subtopics has been discussed.
Prevent project was presented at a regular meeting of the Health Commission to the 44th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, which was held on February 20, 2020 as part of the National Information Campaign "Together for Better Pulmonary Health". The event was attended by members of the parliament, members of the commission and Diana Hadzhiangelova, chairwoman of ABBA - Association of Bulgarians suffering from asthma, allergies and COPD, Associate Prof. Khodzhev, chairman of the Bulgarian Association for Pulmonary Diseases (BAPD) and Associate Prof. Dr. Maria Staevska, MD Head of the Department of Respiratory Allergy and Atopy at Alexandrovska University Hospital, who presented statistics on chronic diseases.
As laid down by the European Sports Charter Sport must be: • Accessible to everybody; • Available for children and young people in particular; • Healthy and safe, fair and tolerant, building on high ethical values; • Capable of fostering personal self-fulfilment at all levels; • Respectful of the environment; • Protective of human dignity; • Against any kind of exploitation of those engaged in sport.
In the period 28-31 of January 2020 in Brussels, Belgium was held the kick off meeting of #SPORTolerance project that will be operative in the next 24 months, deliverying activities in Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria and Cyprus. #SPORTolerance project “comes at a time when Europe is faced with economic hardship, migratory flows, terrorism, the dangerous rise of populism, xenophobic rhetoric, extremism, and other phenomena, which test our democracies and shake public trust in state and international institutions”. Although radicalisation can happen at any age, young people in search of a sense of belonging, a purpose in life, or identity, may be particularly exposed. Young people are also one of the most mobile and dynamic population groups, offering them various opportunities for interaction with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds.
On January 28 and 29, 2020 a Co-creating Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps event took place in Brussels, Belgium. Over one and a half days, more than 600 participants had the opportunity to experience a mix of plenary and thematic breakout sessions focused on the main activities of Erasmus+ and the European Solidarity Corps programmes, taking stock of the achievements so far and looking ahead with proposals for improvement and best practices. There were ample opportunities to provide input and fine-tuning of the support mechanisms and technical aspects of the implementation. The discussions were built upon the work done during the intensive co-creation process of the last years. In addition to the working sessions, networking opportunities and cultural activities were offered to complement the agenda and to facilitate exchanges among stakeholders.
Art of creative thinking /ACT/ is a Mobility of youth workers (TC) that will deal with one of the most valued skills of the future-creative thinking and how it is born and developed in the young people as this is one of the new skills employers are looking for and it is hardly created by the formal educational system.
There are an estimated 80 million people with a disability in Europe, equivalent to approx. 15% of the EU population. Sport is recognized as a tool to promote the social inclusion of people with a disability.
Being an elite athlete is a privilege and a great obligation. During an athlete’s sporting carrier the main benchmark are the achieved results, which are the main motivational engine due to the interconnectedness with the income as well as the interest of clubs and sponsors. Within day-to-day trainings and competitions they develop skills to overcome various problems, develop working habits, strengthen and build self-confidence and the character.
On a daily basis we can see and live through our personal, social and professional ambits all the issues that are happening within our society: discrimination, racism, illness (physical and mental), poverty, financial problems at families, barrier to access work. Sport is a discipline, it is connected to all ambits and sectors (health -physical, mental and emotional-, social inclusion, education, tourism, politics, business and sustainability). This fact reflects that Sport is a very powerful "tool", if well used, to fight the issue that our societies are facing and help people to live a better life.
On December 21, 2019, as part of the fifth consecutive Christmas Holidays in Bankya, organized by the Bankya District Municipality of Sofia, participants in the Sport Diplomacy Academy Project organized a charity bazaar to raise funds for the needs of the Home for adults with mental disabilities in the town of Banya, Karlovo.
In the period 12.12.2019 - 19.12.2019, ETS for Youth Equality training was held in Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, which was attended by 5 youth workers, sports coaches and trainers from Bulgaria, Italy and Ireland. ETS for Youth Equality (EYE) is a 24-month strategic partnership in the field of youth addressing a group of young people who are affected by or deal with disability or impairment issues, aimed to create new educational opportunities and innovative approaches for the personal fulfilment of disadvantaged young people in Europe using the methodology of Education Through Sport (ETS).
On 17 December 2019, a seminar on Specificity of sport within the EU was held in Brussels, Belgium within the framework of the EU approved work plan for sport (2017-2020), whose common goals are: * Integrity of sport, in particular promoting good governance including the safeguarding of minors, the specificity of sport, combatting corruption and match fixing, as well as fighting doping; * The economic dimension of sport, in particular innovation in sport, and sport and the digital single market; * Sport and society, in particular social inclusion, the role of coaches, education in and through sport, sport and health, sport and environment and sport and media, as well as sport diplomacy; * Adopting conclusions on sport as a platform for social inclusion; * Develop a media policy to support social goals in the field of sport.
In the period 03-09 of December 2019 in Sarajevo was held the second module under the Sport Diplomacy Academy project, which brings together 80 sports administrators, coaches and volunteers from 4 countries. Within the framework of a pilot program for mobility in the field of sport, 7 initiatives have been funded in 2018, with the diplomacy academy being the contribution of our country to the purposeful development of human capacity in sport, which the European Commission is starting to support. The total budget of this call for proposals was € 1.2 million. The call was intended to contribute to the development of sports organizations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. The exchange of people, ideas and good practices can benefit people, their organizations and sport and society as a whole and will be one of the main priorities of Erasmus + in its Sport chapter after 2020, when it expects a doubling of the budget. Full information on the selection is available on the European Commission's website:
On December 4 and 5, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium for the third consecutive year an Erasmus+ Sport Cluster Meeting was held on “The role of sport in education: enhancing skills development and dual careers perspectives”. The meeting was co-organized by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
In the period 28 November 2019 – 02 December 2019 in Budapest, Hungary, an international training of #GoodGovernanceSport was held bringing together 36 management representatives of sports clubs and sport organizations from 7 European countries. During the three training days, the participants went through interactive training modules in the sphere of good governance and in particular: importance and need for good governance in sport, good practices, online presence and transparency of sports organizations, financial transparency and integrity in sport. On the second day, a high level round table was organized with the participation of H.E. Tibor Navracsics – European Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport that in his last working day on this position informed the participants about the achievements in the sport sector that he made in his mandate and inspired the participants to become good lobbyists for #BeActive Europe. In the event took part also representatives of State Secretary of Sport of Hungary, Hungarian School Sport Federation, Hungarian Leisure Sport Association and professional athletes, that was able to transmit their point of view on the topic of good governance.
"Integr-Action Through ETS" (IATETS) is a 24-month strategic partnership aimed at creating new opportunities of education and personal fulfilment for disadvantaged European adults affected by disability through delivering on educational formats and methods of customized learning based on Education Through Sport (ETS).
In the period 11 – 19 of November 2019 in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, an youth exchange on healthy lifestyle involving young people Bulgaria, Italy, Paraguay and Peru in the frame of "HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement" (HEPOSI) project, co-funded by ErasmusPlus Programme of the European Union. During seven days, the participants worked on creating a “Healthy Sensitive Youth” manual, outlining the methods used in project activities and focusing on the healthy lifestyle of young people from participating countries. During the mobility, participants had the opportunity to visit local educational centres and the event were visited by representatives of local authorities and non-governmental organizations that presented and discussed together challenges and their possible solutions.
Good Governance in Sport project presented at the Second International Scientific Congress "Applied Sciences in Sport", jointly with the First Balkan Congress "Physical Education, Sport, Health" at the NSA "Vasil Levski".
In the period 13-14 of November 2019 in Sofia, Bulgaria was held Peer Learning Event ‘Good governance in the context of major sport event’s lifecycle: from bidding procedure to legacy’, organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and under the EU Work Plan for Sport 2017-2020.
The general aim of our project is to plan special basketball training for children aged between 10 and 16 years old. The power and agility developed with plyometric training from an early age should be supported by special preparatory training. These exercises should support the muscles most commonly used in splash-based sports, the ties required for a good balance, and the joints with more mobility. In addition to power, all the related joints, muscles and ligaments should gain a high level of flexibility. In time, the risk of disability will decrease in strengthening and stretching parts. Of course, young athletes' desire to gain success in a short time or the success of the coaches should be slowed down. Young athletes should not be expelled from high-level competitions without their biological age and without being fully prepared physiologically. Especially coaches working in the 10-16 age range are required to receive special sports health training in the branch. This training is vitally important for athletes' health. The specific objective of the action is to share the best practice practices for basketball and protect athletes, especially the youngest, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions.
“Re(IN)novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams” (RINMSASFT) aims at strengthening competences of managers of semi-professional female sport teams through an up-skill process related to marketing, communication and visibility strategies.
In the period November 4-7, 2019, in Samokov, Bulgaria, a seminar of the Association of Balkan Athletics Federations was held, which aims to empower and motivate more and more women to take leadership positions in sports. The event was opened by Dobromir Karamarinov, President of Bulgarian Athletic Federation and Balkan athletics Federation, First Vice President of European Athletics and World Athletics council member.
- Physical activity in women in menopause: a collaborative partnership for active lifestyles for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis / HAPPY BONES
Let’s include / Leveraging Education Through Sport for INnovative Changes Leading to Unification of Disability and Education - Let's Include/ project is a small collaborative partnership in the field of sport aimed to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities of disabled persons. Particularly, the project goal is to showcase talents and challenge stereotypes about disability in different contexts and mostly outside sport organisations, such as schools, NGOs and local communities.
According to the results of the latest Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity, almost half of respondents (46%) never exercise or play sport and the number of Europeans who never exercise or play sport has increased from 42% to 46%, and this is a continuation of a gradual trend since 2009. Northern Europe is more physically active than the South and East. In particular Austria 40%, Bulgaria 68%, Italy 62% and Croatia 56%. 15% of Europeans do not walk for 10 minutes at a time at all in a weekly period, and 12% sit for more than 8.5 hours per day. Hiking is a physical activity increasing participation in physical exercise by several reasons: it can be done whole year around, it does not require special skills, facilities or expensive equipment, it has health benefits and low risk of injury and walking itself is physical activity to begin and maintain as a past of physically active lifestyle. Hiking offers many health benefits like controlled obesity, gives a cardio workout (stronger workout by using poles) or cardiovascular activity that increase heart rate and fasten breathing by inhaling fresh air, hiking on uneven terrain works muscles while improving balance and stability and increases the amount of energy your body uses by 28% compared to walking on flat ground, 90-minute hike in nature has dramatic effect on the brain and the way we feel. Just one hour of hiking can burn well over 500 calories. Hiking itself is promoting social inclusion by not giving barriers to participation in the physical activity. Participating in hiking, joining mountian clubs or groups are examples of ways in which young people can participate in their community, learn new skills, and socialize beyond their family boundaries.
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