
Back2Track was presented at Sport Cluster for Education and Dual Career
On December 4 and 5, 2019, in Brussels, Belgium for the third consecutive year an Erasmus+ Sport Cluster Meeting was held on “The role of sport in education: enhancing skills development and dual careers perspectives”. The meeting was co-organized by the European Commission and the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
This meeting provided an opportunity to monitor the implementation of the funded projects, to gather information on best practices and to identify relevant results of selected Erasmus + Sport projects from 2014 to this day.
The third E+ Sport Cluster meeting focused on the promotion of education in and through sport with special focus on skills development, as well as support the implementation of the EU Guidelines Dual Careers of Athletes. Cluster meetings are included in an annual activity in the Work Plan for Sport.
Kalinka Gudarovska - a member of the Bulgarian sports development association, who presented the Back2Track project, took part in the meeting. It is coordinated by the BSDA and aims to analyze the differences and similarities that sports clubs have in their approach to professional and grassroots sports, as well as in an innovative approach to involving disadvantaged children in sports and physical activity. The project is aiming to find the way of bringing practical skills and knowledge in the participating organizations on how to manage a grassroots sport programme together with the elite sport programmes.