BSDA took part in a SAN / SportHub meeting in Brussels
On June 15, 2018, a second SAN / Sport Action Network meeting was held in Brussels. The network, set up in the autumn of 2017, brings together active bodies in the field of sport and physical activity at European level, representatives of the European Commission's Directorate General for Sport, consultants and representatives of the sports industry, and aims to share information and develop synergies between existing initiatives, while contributing to focusing national authorities' attention on investment in sports and sports infrastructure. The next financial framework for cohesion policy was discussed and how sporting activities were intertwined.
It was decided at the meeting to change the name of the network and associate it in the future with SportHub, who will carry out mentoring visits and several regional conferences in the Member States by 2018. Participation in the event took Joanna Dochevska, member of the initiative, and Ivaylo Zdravkov - member of the Board of Directors of BSDA.

In informal talks, representatives of BSDA introduced network members to a project #GoodGovernanceSport, coordinated by the Bulgarian sports development association. #GoodGovernanceSport / 590305-EPP-1-2017-1-BG-SPO-SCP / is co-funded under the Erasmus + Sport Program of the European Commission / Strategic partnerships in the field of sport / of 7 countries, which will last for 30 months, starting on 01/01/2018. The #GoodGovernanceSport project aims to find a way to analyze, collect and promote good practices for appropriate visibility of decisions made and made, responsible bodies and transparency of sports organizations in Europe and partner countries.