An event within the C ZERO SPORT CLUBS initiative
On Vidovday, 15 June 2024, an event was held within the Carbon Neutral Sports Clubs Network – C ZERO SPORT CLUBS initiative. The project aims to encourage small European sports clubs to take concrete actions to support climate protection by adopting an eco-friendly approach to governance and using digital tools.
Lecturers and students from the “Sport and Security” and “Adapted Physical Activity and Sport” majors performed an eco-friendly activity – climbing Mount Musala, the highest peak on the Balkan Peninsula, which highlighted the importance of caring for nature and its conservation. With this initiative they showed that caring for the environment should be a priority for all lecturers and athletes. This event is another step towards creating a sustainable and responsible society that understands the importance of climate protection and eco-friendly living.

The "Carbon Neutral Sports Club Network – C ZERO SPORTS CLUB" project aims to encourage small European sports clubs to understand and take climate conservation actions. It is essential for sports clubs to adopt an eco-friendly management approach by starting to use digital tools and taking responsibility for the environment. They play a crucial role in engaging in local activities that go beyond sports, gaining community support. Through the network of carbon-neutral sports clubs that we plan to establish, we will develop a roadmap for eco-friendly activities that we will plan and implement within sports clubs in the future. These activities will be related to eco-friendly club management, including the use of recycled materials, eco-friendly lamps, bicycles, and the organization of attractive activities for planting trees and more.

The project aims to create a "Network of Carbon Neutral Sports Clubs." First and foremost, a carbon footprint measurement program will be developed, including both ecological and sports activities tailored to specific needs. This program will be implemented by sports clubs. After sports clubs pilot this program, it will evolve into a carbon footprint measurement application, to be used by a larger number of sports clubs. A network of carbon-neutral sports clubs will also be established, where the use of the developed application will be mandatory. Through this network, the measurement of the carbon footprint will be popularized, and more sports clubs, and later non-governmental organizations, will join it. In this way, as sports clubs, we will fulfill our responsibility in combating climate change.

The C ZERO SPORTS CLUB project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.