Training Course on education in healthy lifestyles, involving youth operators from partner countries and implemented based on a Format TC jointly developed by the consortium partners is going to be held in Sardinia, Italy.
Duration: 7 full working days with activities in the period 15 - 23 June 2019. The counties, participating in the project are: Bulgaria, Peru, Paraguay and Italy (4 participants from each country + 1 project team member aged 18+).
Send an application form to info@bulsport.bg.
• Application form: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qhas6ej3u7e6g6c/Application_Form_HEPOSI_May_Sassary.doc?dl=0
• Full information: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ty00qds70dlrshb/HEPOSI-INFOPACK-Sassari.docx?dl=0
• Application deadline: 10/05/2019

• Accommodation, food and materials - 100% financed by the program. This includes breakfast, lunch and dinner during the training;
• Travel costs: The plane tickets are going to be purchased by the organizators.

According to WHO data, more than 80% of the World’s population in insufficiently physically active. The combined effect of insufficient physical activities and improper food consumption patterns has been qualified as a challenge to global health by the WHO. Eurostat data (2014) outline an alarming picture regarding the diffusion of obesity (a critical risk for health and significantly connected with incorrect habits of physical activity and nutrition) among the European youth, with 22,8% of youngsters aged 18-24 overweight in EU 28. The FAO pointed out, in its 2016 Report “The Panorama of Food and Nutrition Security in Latin America and the Caribbean”, the correlation between the general decrease in malnutrition and hunger and the increase in overweight and obesity among the population of Latin America. The available data show that around 5 percent of the inhabitants of the region is either obese or overweight. At the same time, the Report highlights the disproportionate impact obesity/overweight is determining on women as compared with men. Female obesity is 10% higher than male obesity in 20 among Latin America and Caribbean countries.

“HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement” (HEPOSI) envisages a cooperation among NGOs from Europe and the Latin American region targeted at addressing the compelling challenge of promoting healthy physical activity and food consumption practices among young people through Non Formal Education (NFE) methods.

• Training Course on education in healthy lifestyles, involving youth operators from partner countries and implemented based on a Format TC jointly developed by the Consortium partners;
• Local awareness-raising campaign on the topic of healthy lifestyle at the national level in all partner countries;
• Youth exchange on healthy lifestyle for the youth, involving young people aged 28-25 from each partner country.

• Manual “Healthy Sensitive Youth”, outlining the methods employed throughout project learning activities (TC and YE) as well as detailing a comprehensive outline of the project and of its achievements;
• Web Platform in multiple languages. The Web Platform will store the contents developed in the project, the details of activities (including the Social Campaign) and digital versions of the Outputs. In addition, the Web Platform will serve as an informational hub for local follow-up by the partners.

Project will implement various activities in the period of 24 months for Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices to improve Capacity Building for Youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia and is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Consortium consist of two European organizations - Bulgarian sports development association - Bulgaria and Mine Vaganti NGO - Italy and two Latin American organizations - Asociacion Puente Sur - Paraguay and Brigada de voluntarios bolivarianos del Peru - Peru.