Expert training and InSport youth sports day were held in Klisura Monastery in the period 20-24.08.2022. Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport project is an initiative that involves 4 partners for 4 European countries – Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. This is a project that seeks to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport through improvement of skills of coaches, trainers and other staff of organizations active in the fields of sport, youth work and social care and activities related to the social inclusion through sports.
On the 30th of July, 2022, in the Home for adults with intellectual disabilities in the town of Banya – Sonic Start, a focus group with users and educators of the social service was held, which aimed to understand the needs of individuals regarding sport and physical activity, and in particular – regarding the opportunities to practice table tennis. The game of table tennis is one of the most engaging activities for the brain and even older players can play table tennis recreationally. It is a fast moving, competitive activity which positively affects physical fitness levels, improves sustained attention and enhances the development of visuospatial skills. Due to these characteristics and the accessibility of the sport, it has been proved through research that table tennis can be effectively used as a prevention and rehabilitation program for people suffering or at risk to develop Alzheimer's and dementia since it activates up to five different sections of their brains simultaneously.
In the period 24–27 July 2022, an international training on the organization of sports events was held in Volos, Greece, as well as testing of an innovative mobile application in which teams from different countries can compete online within the framework of the "Multisport Community Experience' initiative. The five partner organizations are: Bulgarian sports development association (Bulgaria), Dubrovnik Sports Association (Croatia), European Platform for Sports Innovation (Belgium), NGO Nest Berlin (Germany) and the University of Thessaly (Greece). Joanna Dochevska, Ivan Ivanov, Syuleiman Syuleiman, Vasil Metodiev and Yulian Andreev took part in the training.
On July 20, 2022, at the St. Kozma and Damyan Monastery, during a summer camp, organized by the Sunday School at the Church of the Nativity, the Sunday School at the Church of St. Martyr Paraskeva, Association of Bulgarians with Asthma, Allergy and COPD and Theater Company “Empty Space”, a children's sports holiday was held, as part of the pilot activities under the HEPA SUN initiative. During the event, the children had the opportunity to learn about the innovative methods for a healthy and active lifestyle and the positive aspects of regular sports activities, with the aim of instilling a love of movement at a very young age.
On July 19, 2022, in the Specialized Hospital for Long-Term Care and Rehabilitation, Pernik, a training on physical activity in osteoporosis was held, in which the health specialists working in the medical facility participated. The event was held at the invitation of Emil Nenkov, manager of the specialized hospital, and after the current event, patients diagnosed with osteoporosis will have the opportunity to benefit from the program. Considering the needs to encourage osteopenic/osteoporotic patients to practice physical activity and to train health professionals on how to encourage them, the HAPPY BONES project aims to develop and promote an innovative exercise protocol for osteoporosis for osteopenic/osteoporotic, sedentary individuals aged 50-65 years, to engage them in moderate exercise and as a consequence, to increase their quality of life (physiologically and psychologically). In the period October 2021 – April 2022, a free Happy Bones therapy for women diagnosed with osteoporosis was held in Sofia, in which 24 ladies participated in. The program provided an opportunity to test in practice a protocol that ensures the quality physical activity for the target group.
In the period 12-14 July, 2022, in Mirandela, Portugal, an international meeting under the HEPA (Health Enhancing Physical Activity) project was held. The project aims to encourage participation in sports and physical activity of seniors (persons age 65+) by developing new recreational sport programmes suited for 3 types of most common health conditions – back pain, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis. The meeting brought together representatives of 6 partner organizations from five European countries – Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovenia and Serbia. The sports specialists Ivelina Kirilova, PhD and Joanna Dochevska took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association.
In the period 11–13 July 2022, in Milan, Italy, the first international meeting of the "SCAED –Sport Community Against Eating Disorders" project was held, which was attended by coaches and experts from 6 partner organizations – Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, North Macedonia, Croatia and the hosts from Italy. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: the different challenges faced by athletes, parents, coaches and sports organizations related to eating disorders; defining the framework of cooperation among the project partners; the formal division of tasks and responsibilities in the project, as well as their implementation.
In the period 02.07.2022 – 10.07.2022 in Rajca, Poland, the CHEER youth exchange took place, which was attended by young people from Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Slovenia. During the exchange, the participants prepared and presented a presentation on the mental health of young people in their countries (especially how the pandemic and current global events affect it). The participants also tested the CHEER cards, developed by the project team, which aim to improve the mental health of their peers regarding the challenges our society has been going through in recent years.
On 8th of July 2022 the European Commission has organized a stakeholders’ event aiming to analyse the EU4Health Programme 2021-2027 so far and to jointly plan the activities for 2023, which has been attended by Yoanna Dochevska, chairperson of Bulgarian Sports Development Association. EU4Health Programme has been adopted in March 2021 with EUR 5.3 billion during 2021-27, an unprecedented level of financial commitment for a Union investment in health. The EU4Health Programme is the Union’s response to the current public health emergency; it is expected to make a significant contribution to the post-COVID-19 recovery and aims to bring a contribution to the long-term health challenges by building stronger, more resilient and more accessible health systems.
SPRINT is the only specialized sports magazine in Bulgaria. It has been published since November 2016 in each quarter in a very impressive volume of 140–160 pages. The amazing collector's edition has a regular circulation of between 6000 and 8000 issues. Free applications are often published together with SPRINT – World Cup 2018, Champions League, Formula 1 ... And from the beginning of 2020, together with each issue, readers receive a separate book FUTURE – only for children and youth sports in Bulgaria. A special emphasis in the editorial policy is the serious attention paid to the sport for teenagers and its benefits. SPRINT contains only author’s materials, richly illustrated with own photos. The magazine satisfies the hunger of the real fan for intelligent and curious sports readings, comments, interviews, statistics, portraits, analyzes, photoshoots ... So far all of the biggest stars of Bulgarian sports have appeared on its pages and on the cover – Hristo Stoichkov, Dimitar Berbatov, Ivet Lalova, Grigor Dimitrov, Kubrat Pulev, the Golden Girls in Rhythmic Gymnastics, Yordan Yovchev, Dimitar Penev, Boyan Petrov, Alexandra Zhekova and others. SPRINT is a free territory for exchanging opinions on pressing issues, its pages are open to the best in Bulgarian (and world!) sports journalism.
On the 6th of July 2022, during a summer camp at the Sofia Seminary, a children's sports holiday was held, part of the pilot activities within the HEPA SUN initiative. During the event, children had the opportunity to learn about the innovative methods for a healthy and active lifestyle and the positive aspects of regulated sports activities, with the aim of instilling a love for movement at a very young age.
In the period 28.06 – 04.07.2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria, a youth mobility under the "We Shan't Tolerate Hate" (WSTH) project, was held. The project is a strategic partnership lasting 24 months focused on promoting youth volunteering as an instrument to contrast discrimination against migrants and refugees among the youth categories and within the hosting societies at large. The surge in intolerance, stereotyping and discrimination against migrants and refugees represents one of the most glaring realities influencing political and civil society debate, particularly in the European polities most sensibly hit by the massive migrants and refugee flows from Africa and the Middle Eastern region. Eurostat quantifies in 164.300 the number of extra-EU nationals who sought asylum in the EU-28 during the third quarter of 2017. The meeting was attended by young people from each partner country – Bulgaria, Italy and Romania, as well as participants with migrant background form Algeria and Pakistan.
In the period 28.06.2022 – 01.07.2022, in Lisbon, Portugal the second international meeting under the SONKEI project was held. The meeting was attended by 8 partner organizations form 8 European countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Croatia. During the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to learn about the activities and facilities of the Ginásio Clube Português: GCP (Portuguese Sports Club), discussed the project activities so far, the upcoming final conference in Istanbul and worked on creating the practical educational tools for children and youth to raise awareness of violence in sport. Emiliya Tsanova, Diyan Atanasov and Syuleiman Syuleiman took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association.
People with intellectual disabilities and/or mental health challenges are still subject of wide discrimination and impossibility to be properly included in the society. Sport is one of the most powerful tools that can support the inclusion process and in a gentle way present an opportunity for the mentioned target group to feel accepted and part of a group. Sport, Motivation, Inclusion, Leadership, Engagement #SMILE project aims to analyse the link between sport and inclusion in an innovative and different way – by ensuring international participation in sport activities of persons with intellectual disability and/or mental health challenges. On 24th of June a kick off meeting has been held in online environment which gathered the partners and allowed them to review and plan all project actions together.
On the 23rd of June we celebrate the Olympic Day and the values of the Olympic Movement come alive. The International Olympic Day has been celebrated by a decision of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) since January 1948. To mark the occasion, open training sessions were organised for the sports included in one of the most significant sports for the Olympic Movement – modern pentathlon. During the event, organized by the Bulgarian sports development association, Faculty of Sports – National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" and the Bulgarian Modern Pentathlon Federation, hundreds of children and adolescents had the opportunity to try the sport introduced by the creator of the modern Olympic Games Pierre de Coubertin. His aim was to bring together in a common sport all the skills that the ideal nineteenth-century cavalryman had to possess – running, swimming, riding, shooting and duelling. The children were welcomed and greeted by prof. Krasimir Petkov, Dean of the Faculty of Sports, Kamelia Alexandrova, President of the Bulgarian Modern Pentathlon Federation and the students and coaches who underwent the EHPARP training course, who encouraged them to apply the Olympic values in their lives: friendship, respect, dignity, equality, determination, inspiration and courage.
In the period 14/06 – 22/06/2022, in VUSB Nessebar, an adapted camp for water sports was held. The camp was attended by young people with intellectual disabilities, and the activities were led by lecturers from the four sectors of the Water Sports Department at the NSA "Vasil Levski".
In the period 12.06.2022 – 20.06.2022, in the town of Sassari, Italy, a youth mobility under the "We Shan’t TolerHate" (WSTH) project was held. This project is a strategic partnership lasting 24 months focused on promoting youth volunteering as an instrument to contrast discrimination against migrants and refugees among the youth categories and within the hosting societies at large. The surge in intolerance, stereotyping and discrimination against migrants and refugees represents one of the most glaring realities influencing political and civil society debate, particularly in the European polities most sensibly hit by the massive migrants and refugee flows from Africa and the Middle Eastern region. Eurostat quantifies in 164.300 the number of extra-EU nationals who sought asylum in the EU-28 during the third quarter of 2017. The meeting was attended by young people from each partner country – Bulgaria, Italy and Romania, as well as participants with migrant background form Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan and Russia.
In the period 16-19 June 2022 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina was held #SafeSPORTevent meeting for exchange of good practices that gathered the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey to finalize the project outputs. During the mobility, the consortium had as well fruitful meetings with local stakeholders from Bosnian Olympic Committee, SWORD security agency and a practical visit to European Wheelchair Basketball Championship. At the meetings has been tested the safety and security protocols and discussed ideas and good practices in the field of safety and security in sport and has been exchanged views on the potential development of the mutual cooperation on the topic in the future.
An international Play’In Together conference on the power of sport was held in Leuven, Belgium from 13 to 16 June. Play’In Together relies on an innovative teaching method developed by PLAY International: Playdagogy. It aims at using sport games as an educational medium to treat sensitive topics otherwise. It allows children to learn and grow while playing and having fun. The final event brought together all European partners involved in the project, as well as sports professionals from all over Europe. The conference was also attended by Joanna Dochevska – Chairperson of Bulgarian sports development association, who presented part of the methodology in the aspect: Sports beyond disabilities.
On June 16, 2022, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", an innovative training for physical activity for people with osteoporosis was held, which brought together 35 sports professionals who after this event are going to have the opportunity to launch programs for people diagnosed with osteoporosis. Considering the needs to encourage osteopenic/osteoporotic patients to practice physical activity and to train health professionals on how to encourage them, the HAPPY BONES project aims to develop and promote an innovative exercise protocol for osteoporosis for osteopenic/osteoporotic, sedentary individuals aged 50-65 years, to engage them in moderate exercise and as a consequence, to increase their quality of life (physiologically and psychologically). In the period October 2021 – April 2022, a free Happy Bones therapy for women diagnosed with osteoporosis was held in Sofia, in which 24 ladies participated in. The program provided an opportunity to test in practice a protocol that ensures the quality physical activity for the target group.
In the period 13–14 June, 2022, in Palermo, Italy, an international meeting under the ONE GOAL project was held, which was attended by coaches and experts from 5 partner organizations – Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Uruguay and the hosts from Italy. Kornelia Naydenova, Zlatka Gaberova and Diyan Atanasov took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association, a partner in the project.
In the period 08–11 June 2022, in Athens, Greece the first meeting of the "WOMEN'S HURDLES" project was held. The project has the aim to develop and implement innovative practices related to the promotion of women's physical activity, especially of those in a dynamic family and work environment. The project objective is to promote and support EU strategies in the area of social inclusion and equal opportunities of women, which are based on physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The duration of the project is 24 months and involves 6 partner organizations from 5 European countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Romania. Research and online activities have been carried out so far. By the end of the project, international and national training of sports specialists is forthcoming, within which the foundations of targeted activities regarding the inclusion of members of the fair sex in sports activities will be laid.
During the first days of June 2022, in Borovets, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association held a training course under the "Re (IN) novating Marketing Strategy Across Semi-professional Female Teams" (RINMSASFT)" project, which was attended by sports specialists and sports administrators. The training presented the project’s results so far, the training modules and a number of practical tasks in the field of marketing, communication, financial strategies and good practices for sustainability and funding in sports, platforms and strategies for fundraising, management, management of sporting events, digital skills needed by sports professionals and administrators in the dynamic 21st century. The discussed topics were focused on the needs to strengthen the competencies of the semi-professional women's sports team’s managers through a process of increasing the skills, knowledge and competencies related to marketing, communication and advertising strategies.
In the period 05–08 June 2022, in Palermo, Italy, a meeting under the #Train4Inclusive project was held, which brought together partners from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Spain. #Train4Inclusive project aims to develop methodology and tools, which supporters and supervisors of sport activities for people with disabilities will be able to use in order to monitor the progress of their physical, cognitive and social abilities. Within the project a handbook for sports coaches was developed. The international meeting was attended by Bulgarian experts Ivelina Dimitrova and Velina Toneva.
On June 8, 2022, in Borovets, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association, with the support of the Department of Weightlifting, Boxing, Fencing and Sports for All, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", conducted a training within the ENDURANCE project, which is implemented in partnership with 8 partners from 7 countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Slovakia and Spain). During the training, topics such as project management, administration and reporting, guidelines and practical recommendations for the work of the online interactive training platform "ENDURANCE", practical tasks and forms of creating and administering business projects were discussed.
On June 8, 2022, in Borovets, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association conducted a training, with the support of the Department of Weightlifting, Boxing, Fencing and Sports for All, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", within the "ORIENT – Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering” project which is implemented in partnership with 5 European countries and one country from the Western Balkans: Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Austria and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The project aims to improve the social inclusion and to spread the information regarding the local realities in different countries, while promoting a sense of freedom and positive change at local level, encouraging the involvement of young people in outdoor activities based on orienteering. ORIENT addresses the priority “encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport” by developing a set of innovative outputs.
On June 7, 2022, in Borovets, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association conducted a training with the support of the Department of Weightlifting, Boxing, Fencing and Sports for All, at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski". The training was held within the “SONKEI – Respect in Sport, Respect in Life” project, which is implemented in partnership with 8 partner organizations from 8 European countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Croatia. The training discussed good practices and methods for tackling racism and violence in sport, various methodologies and practical educational tools for children and young people to raise awareness of violence in sport and promote EU values of respect, courage, gender equality and inclusion.
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