
BSDA will coordinate #BeActiveTogether project
The #BeActiveTogether project is firmly grounded in the urgent need to combat discrimination and social exclusion experienced by individuals with intellectual disabilities. It recognizes that sports can be a transformative force, as demonstrated by the project's plan to provide international sports opportunities for these underserved communities, including those living in institutions. By offering them the chance to participate in national and international actions, such as the planned #BeActiveTogether sport events, the project directly translates the EU's commitment to freedom of movement into a tangible experience for participants.
The project aims to ensure quality sport mobility for individuals with intellectual disabilities through athletics training while providing new tools and instruments for sport experts, including trainers, coaches, and social workers, to use sport as a means for inclusion, socialization, and empowerment. One of the key deliverables is the development of a #BeActiveTogether guide, an Open Educational Resource offering practical methods and practices for working with persons with disabilities in athletics. Additionally, the project seeks to enhance the capacity of participating organizations, enabling them to deliver higher quality services to their target groups. A major focus is raising awareness about the added value of sport and physical activity in personal, professional, and social development, with a clear emphasis on individuals with disabilities. Through its activities, the project will also highlight the health benefits of physical activity. Lastly, it aims to disseminate the accumulated knowledge, tools, and best practices developed during the project to inspire further collaborations and synergies on related topics.

The direct target group of the #BeActiveTogether project is persons with intellectual disabilities, residing in Bulgaria and Greece through the project consortium of Bulgarian Sports Development Association and AETOI Thessalonikis. The final beneficiaries of the project are both partner organizations that will be empowered to further transmit the knowhow on inclusion, and as well – the persons facing multiple challenges in their lives that will experience an amazing journey through sport in the #BeActiveTogether framework that will allow them to feel integral part of the big European family.

The consortium has placed 3 main indicators for #BeActiveTogether success:
• 150+ persons with intellectual disabilities involved in national and international #BeActiveTogether activities during the project lifetime;
• Wide reach of #BeActiveTogether journey dissemination, including the #BeActiveTogether toolkit with practical information that would be useful tool for sport, social and other experts;
• Raised awareness on the inclusion of persons with intellectual disabilities through sport.

The #BeActiveTogether project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and will be implemented by Bulgarian Sports Development Association (BSDA) and AETOI Thessalonikis.