BSDA held a dissemination event under the Showdown and OR. with SNORKELING projects
On the 3rd of September 2024, at the "Vasil Levski" National sports academy, Bulgarian sports development association held a dissemination event under the Showdown and OR. with SNORKELING – Orienteering with Snorkeling, projects. The event aimed to introduce the initiatives to the sports professionals, trainers, coaches and sports educators. These initiatives are aimed at young people and children with physical or visual impairments and their partners, and their objective is to promote sport as an effective tool to improve their physical, mental and social well-being. Unfortunately, people with disabilities are often excluded from or refused participation in sporting activities due to various barriers such as lack of training and opportunities to compete, insufficient awareness of how to include people with disabilities and inaccessible facilities.
The SHOWDOWN project aims to facilitate and promote the participation of people with visual impairments in health-enhancing physical activities that will improve their health and help them establish social connections within their communities. To achieve this, the project will focus on the Showdown game, which is an inclusive sport that welcomes people of all genders, ages, and abilities. The main output of the project SHOWDOWN is a guide on how to organise safe and inclusive Showdown activities that will involve both people with visual impairments and without. The creation of the guide will start with the identification of the needs of visually impaired people in terms of sport participation, the collection of best practices, and the training of the partner organisations on how to organise safe and inclusive Showdown games in mixed-abilities groups. Safety is the highest priority for the partners and therefore all training staff will receive appropriate first aid training tailored to the specific needs of people with visual impairments.

Orienteering with Snorkeling Project will focus on orienteering and snorkeling activities in the shallow sea, pool and lake in order to bring physically disabled kids together with their non-disabled peer, which will create an inclusive environment and makes them physically active, too. In the project, firstly, a training about creating orienteering map under water will be carried out between partners. Then, every partner will create their own orienteering map to implement in shallow sea, lake and pool with snorkeling sport activity. These created maps will be completed by 6 physically disabled and 6 non-disabled kids by snorkeling as pair (1 disabled-1non-disabled in the water) and these orienteering with snorkeling activities will be implemented in every partner. At the end, the project will be finalized with an international Orienteering with Snorkeling Event to present the created maps and project activities, which will have a big effect on the inclusion of disabled kids into social life with their peers and encouraging the kids into physical activity. Also, implementation of the activities in shallow sea, lake and pool not only will create a big attention on the project in the society, but also will create a diversity for the project activities to implement in every region.

SHOWDOWN and OR. with SNORKELING projects are co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.