SWIM: Swim Without Fear

Children's celebration of the spirit and sports in Kyustendil
On 28.05.2023, with the blessing of Sofia Holy Metropolia, Episcopal Vicarage – Kyustendil, together with the Municipality of Kyustendil, Regional Department of Education – Kyustendil, Regional Library "Em. Popdimitrov" – Kyustendil, Sunday School at the Church of the Nativity – Sofia, Sunday School at the Church of St. Martyr Paraskeva – Sofia, Art school "The New Masters" – Kyustendil, Association of Bulgarians with Asthma, Allergy and COPD, Bulgarian sports development association and Theater Company "Empty Space" organized a Celebration of the Orthodox Spirit and Traditions.
The celebration started in front of the Church of the Assumption with a solemn prayer with clerics from the town. The event was attended by over 450 children from primary schools and kindergartens in Kyustendil, who had the opportunity to participate in various educational workshops, as well as in sports and fun games organized by the team of Bulgarian sports development association. The host was Nadezhda Panayotova, the voice of some of Walt Disney's most beloved cartoon characters and host of the children's program "For Children with Hope" on the Diocesan Voice radio station.

During the event, Bulgarian sports development association held a dissemination event within the #SWIM! – Swim Without Fear initiative, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. The project aims to overcome hydrophobia at an early age by promoting a positive approach to water. The project seeks to create a good practice guide to help parents and water sport organisations. Children have been given information leaflets with an augmented reality that presents the water environment as interesting and fun in an interactive way. On the project website: www.myswim.org they can also find a guide for parents with simple exercises to overcome fear of water at an early age.