According to the results of the latest Eurobarometer survey on sport and physical activity, almost half of respondents (46%) never exercise or play sport and the number of Europeans who never exercise or play sport has increased from 42% to 46%, and this is a continuation of a gradual trend since 2009. Northern Europe is more physically active than the South and East. In particular Austria 40%, Bulgaria 68%, Italy 62% and Croatia 56%. 15% of Europeans do not walk for 10 minutes at a time at all in a weekly period, and 12% sit for more than 8.5 hours per day. Hiking is a physical activity increasing participation in physical exercise by several reasons: it can be done whole year around, it does not require special skills, facilities or expensive equipment, it has health benefits and low risk of injury and walking itself is physical activity to begin and maintain as a past of physically active lifestyle. Hiking offers many health benefits like controlled obesity, gives a cardio workout (stronger workout by using poles) or cardiovascular activity that increase heart rate and fasten breathing by inhaling fresh air, hiking on uneven terrain works muscles while improving balance and stability and increases the amount of energy your body uses by 28% compared to walking on flat ground, 90-minute hike in nature has dramatic effect on the brain and the way we feel. Just one hour of hiking can burn well over 500 calories. Hiking itself is promoting social inclusion by not giving barriers to participation in the physical activity. Participating in hiking, joining mountian clubs or groups are examples of ways in which young people can participate in their community, learn new skills, and socialize beyond their family boundaries.
On October 28, 2019, in Kiev, Ukraine, the Second Seminar on the European Week of Sport Beyond Borders was held. Last year, European Sport Week went beyond the EU for the first time, with countries and regions from the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership joining the initiative. In September 2018 a dedicated seminar was organised in Belgrade, Serbia to discuss different funding possibilities as well as share experience regarding EWoS. The event began with an expert seminar aimed at presenting the results of the European Week of Sport Beyond Borders 2019 and sharing good practices between the European Union countries, the Eastern Partnership countries and the Western Balkans. In addition, this seminar will be an opportunity to discuss EU funding opportunities, including the financial instrument for sport under the Erasmus + program of the European Union.
- Background: It's inevitable that we have to do something about climate change. Not only reduce, reuse and recycle, but we can actively contribute to protect our planet and take direct action. Pollution is enormous problem and lack of recycling is even bigger challenge. Therefore, in the last years, there were new types of activities developed and promoted in order to tackle both – lack of physical movement of people, but also increasing pollution of our nature, beaches, forests...
“Professional and Personal Experience through Lifelong Learning and Regular Sport” (PROPELLERS) involves 8 partner organizations from 6 countries of the European Union (Poland, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Spain) aimed at promoting voluntary participation in Sport activities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activities in accordance with the holistic model of health among the general EU population, with a particular focus on disadvantaged categories (NEETs, people with disabilities).
In the period October 11-17, 2019 in Sofia was held the first module under the Sport Diplomacy Academy project, which brings together 80 sports administrators, coaches and volunteers from 4 countries. Within the framework of a pilot program for mobility in the field of sport, 7 initiatives have been funded in 2018, with the diplomacy academy being the contribution of our country to the purposeful development of human capacity in sport, which the European Commission is starting to support. The total budget of this call for proposals was € 1.2 million. The call was intended to contribute to the development of sports organizations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. The exchange of people, ideas and good practices can benefit people, their organizations and sport and society as a whole and will be one of the main priorities of Erasmus + in its Sport chapter after 2020, when it expects a doubling of the budget. Full information on the selection is available on the European Commission's website:
On 09/10/2019, Bulgarian sports development association chairwoman Joanna Dochevska, had a meeting in #Sofia with representatives of the Council of Europe during their Consultative Visit on compliance with the European Sport Charter.
For athletes in EU member states is still a vivid challenge to combine their sports training, events and competitions with their need to receive an adequate education with a view to developing a sports career-end strategy for their subsequent employment, something informed by the EU Guidelines on Dual Careers of Athletes. With the greater focus on inclusion of people with a disability to take up sports (originally inspired by the hard-won success of the Paralympics) and the improvements to accessibility and the design of sports facilities, there are ever greater numbers of people with disabilities taking up sports, and becoming great athletes in the field. These athletes face the same problem of timetabling their dual pursuits, but they have several additional obstacles to deal with (expand), in the process of training and in the process of getting prepared for employment. We believe that a new generation of “hybrid” mentor/trainers needs to be invested in, as part of the vision described under the Disability Strategy to Europe 2020.
The promotion of integrity against match fixing is the main objective of IAM / Promoting Integrity Against Match-fixing through education among young athletes/ and a specific priority of Erasmus+ Sport programme. The core idea of our project is to fight this international contemporary threat facing sport through education among young athletes in order to preserve transparency, fair-play and respect for others at the earliest level of sport activity. The challenges posed by the manipulation of matches need today a strong cooperation at European and international level in order to protect the future of sport as well as its ethics and integrity.
The sport sector is able to mobilise more volunteers than any other sector. Volunteers are fundamental to the success of international and domestic sport events. Sport event organisers rely on the knowledge, skills and experiences of volunteers to run events. The scale of volunteer involvement in sports events is significant, creating the potential for a wide range of economic, social, cultural and community benefits. In most Member States, the sport movement would not exist without volunteering.
#SPORTolerance project “comes at a time when Europe is faced with economic hardship, migratory flows, terrorism, the dangerous rise of populism, xenophobic rhetoric, extremism, and other phenomena, which test our democracies and shake public trust in state and international institutions”. Although radicalisation can happen at any age, young people in search of a sense of belonging, a purpose in life, or identity, may be particularly exposed. Young people are also one of the most mobile and dynamic population groups, offering them various opportunities for interaction with persons from diverse cultural backgrounds.
"Back2Track" is a project, which the Bulgarian Sports Development Association is coordinating and it’s aiming at analyzing the differences and similarities that sport clubs have in the approach to professional and grassroots sport and in innovative approach of including kids with disadvantage background in sport and physical activity. The project is aiming to find the way of bringing practical skills and knowledge in the participating organizations on how to manage a grassroots sport program together with the elite sport program.
Ministry of Youth and Sports organized "European Week of Sport #BEactive" for the fifth consecutive year. From 23 to 30 September 2019, people of all ages had the opportunity to get acquainted with over 50 sports and practice them freely. The campaign was opened by the Minister of Youth and Sports Krasen Kralev on September 23, 2019, and from 24 to 26 September between 10 am and 5 pm in Arena Armeec the Ministry has organized Sports Fair #BeActive Fair, in which the Bulgarian Sports Development Association took part .
In September, 2019 (22.09) SC Lighthouse was invited to participate in a series of events as part of the “Burgas Run” Festival (Fb: Burgas Run) and we took the chance to increase popularity of “Sports diplomacy academy” (SDA) project organized by Bulgarian sports development association (BSDA). The festival was organized as a one-day event with a series of workshops, physical activity sessions, discussion and presentations of over 25 NGO’s and national agencies active in the field of sport and youth. During the event there was a forum panel “Otkrito” organized by the team behind “Hamalogika” – a youth hub in Burgas.
“Structured Learning for Awareness in Media” (SLAM) aims at enhancing young people’s awareness and critical thinking on the role of Mass Media as a challenge and precondition for more inclusive societies towards migrants and refugees.
Budapest is the European Capital of Sport in 2019. S-Y-IN is a project to be implemented in three sectors: sport, education and youth work. Sport has a central social role in our days. Sport is competition but also a field of learning social skills. Sport can be a tool for positive social change, but can also be a dangerous tool of social and political manipulation. For this we must bring the attention of people to the positive social potentials of sport. As in the EU White Paper on Sport, sport has a very strong social role through which in formal and non-formal education, it reinforces Europe's human capital. The values conveyed through sport help develop knowledge, motivation, skills and readiness for personal effort. Time spent in sport activities at levels of formal education produces health and education benefits which need to be enhanced.
Eurasia Bulgarian Open Badminton Championships 2019 is the biggest international badminton competition held in Bulgaria. The competition is an Olympic qualification for Tokyo 2020 and has a prize pool of $ 10,000. Top competitors from Europe and the world, as well as Bulgarian stars such as Maria Delcheva, Maria Mitsova, Ivan Panev, Ivan Rusev, Stilian Makarski, Daniel Nikolov, took part in this competition. Peyo Boychinov, Alex Vlaar and others. The international sporting event, which is being held at the Badminton Hall Europe, was attended by 340 competitors from 43 countries, taking place until 15 August 2019 and the event is open to citizens free of charge.
-WHEN: 11.11.2019 - 19.11.2019 -WHERE: Ciudad del Este, Paraguay -PARTICIPANTS: 7 young people from each country aged 18-25 years and 1 leader over 18. Participating countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Paraguay and Peru -DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: 20.08.2019
Between July 20-21, 2019, #BeActive weekend was held at the Monastery "St. Kozma and Damyan”, organized in partnership with the Sunday School at the “Nativity of Christ" Temple, Sofia, Mladost 3, the Association of Bulgarians suffering from asthma(ABBA) and the Bulgarian sports development association. Sport activities and interactive children's workshops were held as part of the HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement (HEPOSI) project, which provides collaboration between NGOs from Europe and Latin America to address the challenge of promoting healthy physical activity and food consumption practices among young people through non-formal education. The activities were part of the second children's summer camp at the monastery, following the successful first edition in 2018. Over 25 children had the opportunity to have fun, study together and enjoy a wonderful summer day with a lot of sport activities.
Between 15 and 23 June 2019 in Sardinia, Italy, a training course on healthy lifestyle involving youth operators from partner countries was carried out and implemented on the basis of the Training Course (TC) format, jointly developed by the "HEalth Practices for Own Self-Improvement" (HEPOSI) project partners. The initiative gathered teams from Italy, Paraguay and Peru who, within seven working days, worked on creating a “Healthy Sensitive Youth” manual, outlining the methods used in project activities and focusing on the healthy lifestyle of young people from participating countries and planning of a local awareness raising campaign on a healthy lifestyle at national level in all partner countries.
Relay games for children and parents, lectures on the topic "Internet for Everyone", jumping tournaments with sacks, mini football tournament and a bunch of surprises were part of the fun for guests at Radio Park Fest. For the third year the Bulgarian National Radio organizes the mega event dedicated to the summer.
In the period May 29 - June 3, 2019 in Sassari, Sardinia, Italy, an international training of #GoodGovernanceSport was held bringing together over 40 representatives of sports clubs and sport organizations from 7 European countries. During the four training days, the participants went through interactive training modules in the sphere of good governance and in particular: importance and need for good governance in sport, good practices, online presence and transparency of sports organizations, financial transparency and integrity in sport. The "Good governance in sport" project is coordinated by "Bulgarian sports development association” for a period of 30 months, and aims to provide analyzes and concrete tools for improvement of the management processes in the field of sport. Representatives of the project partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia took part in the training and within the training introduced to the participants the results of a survey on transparency and publicity held in 56 European and national sports federations in 2018. Full information of the survey available at A number of activities lie ahead – a training and qualification activities, including an online training module, value promotion activities and good governance principles, as well as specific instruments for achieving sustainable and transparent governance in the sector.
- Project: Back2Track - Place: In front of "Hristo Smirnenski" Community Center, Zlatitsa - Date: 31.05.2019 - Time: 10:00 - Attendance: 150 children - Organizer: Youth Policy Advisory Council - Zlatitsa and Zlatitsa Municipality
The Back2Track project that Bulgarian sports development association coordinates, aims at analyzing the differences and similarities that sport clubs have in the approach to professional and grassroots sport and in innovative approach of including kids with disadvantage background in sport and physical activity. The project is aiming to find the way of bringing practical skills and knowledge in the participating organziations on how to manage a grassroots sport programme together with the elite sport programmes.
The Sport Diplomacy Academy project is a legacy of the first Bulgarian Presidency of the EU Council, which took place in the first half of 2018 and is focused on cooperation with the Western Balkans as a logical continuation of all activities carried out under the #EU2018BG Priority: Perspective of the EU and the Western Balkans connectivity, citing the Sofia Declaration and the Sofia and EU Priority Agenda for the EU and the Western Balkans. The European Union and the Western Balkans must continue to invest in efforts to strengthen cooperation and the exchange of good practices focused on democracy, security and fundamental human rights. Project ensures the educational mobility of coaches and other staff of sport organisations (incl. volunteers) linked to professional and grassroots sport. The four mobility modules, which will be implemented in each partner country, will improve the skills and competencies of a total of 80 sports professionals, as well as their qualifications, through learning mobility. Learning mobility is planned as an investment in human capital and a contribution to the capacity building of various sport organisations with clear focus on building a network of well-trained sport diplomats, with activities co-funded by a European Union pilot program.
On May 12, 2019, for the 11th consecutive year, Famillathlon, the largest outdoor festival dedicated to sport and entertainment, brought together hundreds of families on the Big field in South Park. It is held on the eve of International Family Day and the Bulgarian sports development association actively participated in the event, presenting the activities that it implements on various projects and together with KLASA Club organized sports entertainment for the children. The little visitors had the opportunity to learn about athletics and to experience the positive emotion of being active.
On May 09, 2019, Day of Europe during the Practice of Students in the Master's Degree in Sports Management at the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski", Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of BSDA presented the activities of the organization and emphasized the activities on #GoodGovernanceSport project and European Sport Policy.
Training Course on education in healthy lifestyles, involving youth operators from partner countries and implemented based on a Format TC jointly developed by the consortium partners is going to be held in Sardinia, Italy. Duration: 7 full working days with activities in the period 15 - 23 June 2019. The counties, participating in the project are: Bulgaria, Peru, Paraguay and Italy (4 participants from each country + 1 project team member aged 18+).
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