In the period 24-28 August, an international meeting was held in Sofia under the project "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors", with the participation of the four young ambassadors from Bulgaria, who will have the opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge with their peers from Italy, Hungary , Wales and Slovenia. The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project aims to train youth leaders in the field of sport, which will organize a series of different events and initiatives in seven European countries. The main goal of the project is to motivate more and more young people to be physically active. Partner of the project from Bulgaria is "Bulgarian Sports Development Association".
Ivan Tilev is well known to Bulgarian basketball fans, although in the last few seasons he was more active abroad than in our home country. The former national has spent the last year in clubs in Germany and Italy, and when he is in Bulgaria he transmits the experience gained outside our homeland to visitors to North Jim - a fitness center in Nadezhda, which he manages. His professional career in the last few years has been developed with participation in 3x3 tournaments in Bulgaria and Europe with a team leader who runs the NorthGym Streetball team. NordGym is also one of the fitness centers that is a partner in the JUST SPORT project, co-funded under the Erasmus + program, and aims to inform young people visiting sports and fitness centers and novice athletes and to provide them with information for the negative effects of substances recognized as doping.
We have just finished our second international meeting, which been held in Sofia, Bulgaria. Thanks to our bulgarian partner: Bulgarian Sports Development Association we had spend 4 hard working days during which we reached another step in our project: "Start now!: Strategic partnership for health promotion among youth".
On 05/06/2017 in Sofia was held a dissemination event of JUST SPORT project. In the event participated more than 30 youth sport specialists that had the opportunity the get information about the negative consequences caused by using supplements with harmful additives. Using supplements for gaining muscle weight impacts the organism in a predominantly negative manner. For example, it can cause depleted testosterone levels, increase risks of cardiovascular and liver diseases. Besides, it can cause dysfunction of the female reproductive system (absence of period), hormonal dysfunctions and excessive hairiness etc. mostly due to lack of professional supervision and somewhat dilettante pursuit of faster track of progress. Appearance and performance enhancing drugs (APEDs) include a wide range of substances that vary from fitness supplements to pharmaceutical grade synthetic hormones, peptides or other drugs. The progression from fitness supplement use to synthetic hormone abuse is poorly understood and differs from the pattern of drug initiation for most other substances of abuse.
International training of young ambassadors of sport volunteering took place in Bulgaria in the period 23-29 May 2017 with the main objective to stimulate the strong commitment of 5 ambassadors from each country. The Young Ambassadors of Sport Volunteering project aims to select, prepare and support 5 participants from each partner country in the implementation of the activities to promote volunteering in the sports activities. The Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner in the project from Bulgaria, works for the development and promotion of volunteering in the sphere of sports in Bulgaria, and has conducted a number of campaigns and initiatives over the years and has insisted for years on regulatory collateral of volunteering.
Between 22-26 May 2017, an international meeting was held in Wales on the project "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors", and representatives of the Bulgaria Sports Development Association were the young sports development ambassador - Nikola Zdravkov and Konstantin Zankov as his mentor and member of the Board of Directors of BSDA. The Youth Sport Development Ambassadors (YSDA) project aims to train youth leaders in the field of sport, which will organize a series of different events and initiatives in seven European countries. The main goal of the project is to motivate more and more young people to be physically active.
International training of young ambassadors of sport volunteering started in Sofia and will be held in Bulgaria from 23-29 May 2017 with the main objective to stimulate the strong commitment of 5 ambassadors from each country. The Young Ambassadors of Sport Volunteering project aims to select, prepare and support 5 participants from each partner country in the implementation of the activities to promote volunteering in the sports activities. The Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner in the project from Bulgaria, works for the development and promotion of volunteering in the sphere of sports in Bulgaria, and has conducted a number of campaigns and initiatives over the years and has insisted for years on regulatory collateral of volunteering.
Between 18 and 21 May 2017, the first meeting of the SpeeCh project took place in the municipality of Karsoli, Italy, where Joanna Dochevska - coordinator and Stefka Djobova - a psychomotor for the project took part. The SpeeCh - Sports Psychiatric Community project is a project that starts on January 1, 2017 and will carry out a variety of activities in the next two years.
In the town of Szczecin, Poland was held the first mobility of young sports development ambassadors under the project "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors". Within 5 days, participants from Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Wales and Hungary discussed the issues of sport and discussed new methods of promoting physical activity.
START NOW! is a strategic partnership that will focus its efforts on promoting health among young people in three European countries - Poland, Bulgaria and Cyprus, and will implement innovative non - formal learning methods for health awareness among youth organizations in partner countries. The partnership was launched in the period 21-23 April 2017 at an international meeting in Opole, Poland, where the Bulgarian partner organization ("Bulgarian sports development association") took part Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of BSDA and Kalinka Gudarovska - Member of Board of Directors of BSDA.
We present to you the four young ambassadors of sports development of YSDA project:
On April 15th, 2017, the first local meeting of the four young people was held in Sofia, which after the selection process were selected to be young sports development ambassadors under the project "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors".
In the period 3.04-7.04.2017 in Cardiff, Wales was held an introductory conference on the project " Youth Sport Development Ambassadors ", which was attended by a representative of the Bulgarian sports development association - Ivaylo Zdravkov, member of the Board of BSDA and Nikola Zdravkov - one of the four young sports development ambassadors from Bulgaria.
The Minister of Youth and Sports Daniela Dasheva met the ninth grader from the 51st Elementary School "Elisaveta Bagryana" Nicola Zdravkov, who became the Youth Sport Ambassador under the "Youth Sport Development Ambassadors" under the Erasmus + program. Nicola participates in an essay contest entitled "What sport gives us", which describes the problems in this sphere and the basic qualities that develops physical activity. With his text, he became a Youth Sport Ambassador for Bulgaria and will participate in volunteer and projects activities in vulnerable communities over the next two years.
Between 08 and 09 March 2017, in St Julian, Malta, as part of the EU's Maltese Presidency, the 2017 Sport Forum was held, which was organized by the European Commission - Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, and gathered over 250 policy-makers across Europe.
The Young Ambassadors of Sport Volunteering project will select, prepare and support 5 participants from each partner country in the implementation of activities to promote volunteering in the field of sport.
This project is a joint partnership between four countries and aims to promote volunteering in sport, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle by increasing participation in sport for all. The project provides 3 transnational meetings to present the results achieved at each stage and to provide a quality monitoring process. In addition, at the implementation stage, this project includes international training of young ambassadors of sport volunteering, to be held in Bulgaria in May 2017, and will stimulate their strong engagement as well as the involvement of partner organizations within the planned 2 main workflows at local level.
In the period 02 - 05 March 2017, in Sassari, Italy, the first meeting of the Young Ambassadors for Sport and Volunteering Project was held, which will select, prepare and support 5 participants from each partner country for the promotion of volunteer activities in the field of sport. Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Bulgarian sports development association, who is a partner of the project from Bulgaria, took part in the meeting. BSDA works for the development and promotion of volunteering in the sphere of sports in Bulgaria and over the years has implemented a large number of campaigns and initiatives on the topic and works purposefully for normative collateral of volunteering. A "Young Volunteer in Sport Handbook" has been created, many volunteer programs are being developed in sports organizations, as well as an online volunteer database - "Be Volunteer!", Which includes people from all over the country, including the possibility to join volunteer sports projects, their experience and personal skills. To this date, over 170 volunteers have been registered.
European everyday of sport project has been presented to interested target groups in multiple events as the following ones:
SpeeCh project - SPORT PSYCHIATRY COMMUNITY is a project that started on 01/01/2017 and will implement various activities in the next 2 years. Main project activities are:
#JustSport project addresses the aforementioned objectives by raising the awareness of negative consequences caused by the non-controlled use of supplements at grassroots level mostly in fitness centres (i.e. recreational environment, mostly among recreationists in fitness centres) in partner countries.
The program is aimed at youngsters of school age who motivate their friends to be physically active and sporty. It launched a few years ago in Wales and is currently experiencing great results. Young people choose a physical activity, that is interesting and entertaining for them, and ambassadors have to make a 10-week program for their peers. One of the most interesting and rewarding successes is "Get in the shape for the prom", but yoga, aerobics, basketball, football, as well as lecture sessions on healthy eating are organized on the basis of the students' interests. Through the program, in addition to the love of physical activity, the young ambassadors are also responsible, co-operative, flexible, organized, confident and other qualities that will be useful to them in future personal and professional development.
We inform you that we are looking for 4 motivated EVS volunteers for “Bulgarian sports development association”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
This small collaborative partnership project aims to promote voluntary activities in sport, equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of healthy lifestyle through increased participation in sport for all. The project will be held through 3 transnational meetings with the purpose to present the results achieved at each stage and to ensure quality monitoring process. Moreover, the implementation phase includes an international training for the young volunteer sport ambassadors and their strong involvement, as well as the participation of the partner organizations within 2 main working streams planned to happen on local level. The main work phases, dedicated to local actions, are related to the promotion of sport culture and raising awareness about the importance of being physically active, and the promotion of volunteering, its values and its benefits for society. Also the project plans ongoing processes of M&E, as well as a dissemination phase, both of them on local and international level. In addition, as final output the project will create an online platform which will gather all tangible results, best practices shared and indications for fellow organizations and stakeholders to follow the same path towards the promotion of sport culture and volunteering in sports as ways of promoting equal opportunities and combating social exclusion. Therefore the partners consortium believes that the achievement of a maximum of successful results will be guaranteed.
Between 10 and 12 January 2017, a first meeting of the Youth Sport Development Ambassadors project was held in Budapest, Hungary. The project will take place within two years and will focus on activities connected with volunteering in the sport field and which promote the social inclusion of young people aged 16-24. A major focus will be on the development of four Youth Sport Development Ambassadors from each country to be empowered to develop projects with target groups of young people from ethnic minorities and migrant backgrounds. The Bulgarian sport development association is a project partner responsible for the activities in Bulgaria, and the meeting was presented by Joanna Dochevska - Chairwoman of the Board.
“European volunteers in sport - EVS” is a 2 months (59 days) experience in Sofia. 4 volunteers, coming from 4 countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) are going to commit themselves to European volunteers in sport experience: an EVS project that will take place in Sofia (Bulgaria). European voluntary service is one of the best programs for youth development and gaining practical skills and knowledge in the sport field will be very useful for the volunteers that will commit to this experience. As the Commissioner Navracsics has stated recently, in connection with the 20th anniversary of the program, until 2020 we need to support 20000 volunteers every year going abroad. Following and implementing this EU policy, we are trying to do our best to realize amazing volunteering experience at local level in Bulgaria.
DATES: 01.03.2017 – 30.11.2018
"Bulgarian sports development association"is partner in Training Course: Basics of group dynamics and facilitating process.