On the 16th of February 2023, an international meeting under the CHEER project was held in Sofia. The project aims to improve the mental health of young people by stimulating their creativity and using their youthful enthusiasm. The crisis related to the coronavirus epidemic is having a negative impact on young people in Europe. The fight against the epidemic and the restrictions introduced weakened the mental condition of youth. Many of them feel that it intends to take from them their most precious time in their life – youth. As a result, young people experience many mental problems without institutional and social support.
On the 14th of February 2023, the first online meeting of the “Carbon Neutral Sports Club Network – C ZERO SPORTS CLUB” project took place. The goals and activities of the project were presented, as well as the tasks and responsibilities between the partners were officially distributed. The consortium consists of 7 partner organizations from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Serbia and Turkey. Kalinka Gudarovska and Ivaylo Zdravkov – board members of BSDA, took part in the meeting on behalf of Bulgarian sports development association.
As a follow-up to the Tartu Call for a Healthy Lifestyle, the HealthyLifestyle4All is the European Commission’s two-year campaign that aims to link sport and active lifestyles with health, food and other policies. The pledge showcases the European Commission’s commitment to promoting healthy lifestyles for all, across generations and social groups, noting that everyone can benefit from activities that improve health and well-being.
On the 7th of February, 2023, in Sofia, an international meeting of the consortium implementing the "WOMEN'S HURDLES" initiative was held, which aims to develop and implement innovative practices related to the promotion of women's physical activity, especially of those in a dynamic family and work environment. The project objective is to promote and support EU strategies in the area of social inclusion and equal opportunities of women, which are based on physical activity and a healthy lifestyle. The duration of the project is 24 months and involves 6 partner organizations from 5 European countries – Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Lithuania and Romania and research and online activities have been conducted so far.
Coloring books are a great tool for helping children overcome their fears, including hydrophobia, or the fear of water. By utilizing a coloring book about swimming, children can become familiar with the concept of swimming and aquatic creatures in a fun and educational way. This can help to reduce their fears and build confidence in their abilities, making it easier for them to overcome hydrophobia in their early years.
A Facebook/Instagram filter is a feature within the Instagram app that allows users to edit and enhance their photos and videos with various effects such as brightness, contrast, and color adjustments, as well as special effects like overlays, frames, and stickers. Facebook/Instagram filters can be applied to photos and videos before they are posted to the user's profile or shared with other users. Some filters are available to all users, while others are exclusive to certain accounts or events. Facebook/Instagram also have a feature called "Face Filters" which applies effects and animations to the user's face in real-time using the front-facing camera.
On January 30, 2023, in the building of the European Commission in Brussels, the annual edition of the Sport Info Day was held, during which detailed information was provided about the opportunities offered by the sports sector of the Erasmus+ programme to promote sports and physical activity at local, regional and national level. The event brought together over 500 sports experts and was opened by Maria Gabriel – European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth.
In the period 24-27.01.2023, in the city of Murcia, Spain, an international partner meeting under the #Train4Inclusive project was held. During the meeting the achieved results were discussed, as well as the future project activities were planned, with an emphasis on the specific training program for coaches of athletes with disabilities. The consortium consists of 5 European countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Slovenia and Croatia.
In the period October 2022 – February 2023, training activities were held within the framework of the SMILE initiative. Sport, Motivation, Inclusion, Leadership, Engagement – #SMILE project aims to analyse the link between sport and inclusion in an innovative and different way – by ensuring international participation in sport activities of persons with intellectual disabilities. An international sports event is coming, within the framework of the initiative, which will be held in Croatia in April 2023. Within the mentioned period, young people and adults with intellectual disabilities took part in various sports activities, which they appreciated with many smiles and positive emotions.
On 27th of January 2023, in Sofia, Bulgaria was held the kick-off meeting of the international consortium, that will coordinate the innovative initiative #SWIM - Swim Without Fear, that will implement activities in the following 18 months. Representatives of the consortium had the chance to analyze and plan together #SWIM activities, which will start with wide research about hydrophobia in early age. During the meeting was presented the first instrument to ensure that kids understand water environment as fun and joyful place – an Augmented reality application, which will be available very soon for free download by parents and/or sport organizations on project webpage: [ |].
On the 26th of January 2023, a partners meeting under the SCAED – Sport Community Against Eating Disorders project was held in the city of Rijeka, Croatia. The results achieved so far, as well as the future activities of the project, were discussed. The consortium consists of 6 partner organizations from Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, North Macedonia, Croatia and Italy.
On the 23rd of January 2023, an online meeting was held between the coordinators of projects starting in 2023, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport programme and representatives of the Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), which manages the Union's funding for education, culture, audiovisual, sport, citizenship and volunteering.
In the period January 20-22, 2023, in Sapareva Banya, Bulgaria, a training for pedagogical and sports experts was held, during which Bulgarian sports development association presented the activities and developed materials within the framework of the initiatives #BOOST, Women's Hurdles and On the way to acceptance – all of them co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.
On January 19, 2023, the first meeting under the Ramps4Champs project took place, bringing together the partners from Bulgaria, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia and North Macedonia. The consortium had the opportunity to discuss the phases of the initiative and the upcoming 2023 project activities.
The first meeting of the year of the Public Council on Youth Affairs, in which the Bulgarian sports development association is a member, was held on the 10th of January 2023. Joanna Dochevska, chairperson of BSDA, took part in the meeting. Within the framework of the event, the Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports Petar Buchkov presented to the Public Council on Youth Affairs the developed new draft of the Ordinance amending and supplementing Ordinance № 1 on the terms and conditions for financing projects under national youth programs.
The first partners meeting of “An Autism and Behaviour Management training for P.E. school teachers” with project acronym P.E.rfect has been delivered on 06th of January and gathered project partners from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, Poland, The Republic of North Macedonia, which has discussed project launch and preparation actions.
“An Autism and Behaviour Management training for P.E. school teachers” with project acronym P.E.rfect aims to empower physical education teachers to support the effective inclusion of children with autism in education, by providing them with appropriate skills, knowledge, effective strategies and locally-appropriate training. The project will learn from what is currently taking place within partner countries.
On December 19, 2022, in the city of Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association held a round table during which health and sports experts and specialists discussed topics related to the specifics of physical activity for the elderly. The event was part of the "HEPA-S (Health Enhancing Physical Activity)" project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, which aims to encourage participation in recreational physical activity for seniors (persons age 65+) by developing new recreational sport programme suited for 3 types of most common health conditions – back pain, cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis.
On December 19, 2022, a Christmas practice of the adapted basketball team was held at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, during which the athletes had the opportunity to practice in Christmas spirit and clothing. The event put a positive end to the weekly training in 2022 and with many gifts and positive emotions, the athletes celebrated a very successful year in which they had opportunities to compete with teams from Bulgaria and abroad. A special guest at the holiday training was the US Ambassador H.E. Hero Mustafa, who joined the practice, congratulated the team and surprised them with gifts.
On the 17th of December, in the Silver City Sports Complex pool, the Christmas #Train4Inclusive training – the Annual indoor competition and Christmas party with surprises of BG & sports for all, was held. The club was set up earlier this year with the main aim of providing equal sporting opportunities for all children and actively involving children with different needs and disabilities, on an equal basis with their peers. The club currently has over 40 children training and almost all of them took an active part in the Christmas competition.
On December 16, 2022, the residents of state facility for adults with intellectual disabilities in the town of Banya – Sonic Start received Christmas gifts and best wishes for warm holidays and wonderful new moments in 2023. The Christmas campaign is part of the Corporate Social Responsibility program of Infopulse Bulgaria – a leading outreach company and was realized with the support of the Bulgarian sports development association, which supports state facility for adults with intellectual disabilities in the town of Banya – Sonic Start over the years.
On December 15, 2022, in Sofia, Bulgaria, Bulgarian sports development association (BSDA), together with the coaches and the team of Volleyball Club Achilles, Sofia, held a Christmas #BOOST training, during which the participating children received equipment, gifts and wishes for a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. During the celebration, Ivaylo Zdravkov, board member of BSDA and Alexander Rashkov, Head Coach of VC Achilles, introduced the athletes to the BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents project and discussed the need to increase skills and employability, modernize education, training and youth work with a focus on young people and the development of transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe.
In the period 8-10 December 2022, in Milan, Italy, an international meeting under the "Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport - InSport" project was held, which brought together partners from 4 European countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport is a project that seeks to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport through improvement of skills of coaches, trainers and other staff of organizations active in the fields of sport, youth work and social care and activities related to the social inclusion through sports - Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner of the initiative from Bulgaria, was represented by Joanna Dochevska, Stefka Djobova and Ivelina Kirilova.
The second edition of the innovative international networking event gathering professionals working in the Sport Sector was implemented in Milan in the period 09-10 of December 2022. The initiative aims at establishing new collaborations, improve the quality of already development projects and design new sport projects in the framework of the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union. The EUSportLab took place in a historical sport building in Milan - Palazzina Appiani - built as the entrance hall of the arena at the beginning of the 19th century with original function to be the official gallery and guest residence to host Napoleon’s family during his public appearances.
Within the framework of a contest for the best presentation in a national initiative to celebrate May 9 – Europe Day and within the framework of the "European Year of Youth" 2022, organized within the framework of accompanying activities eTwinning for Bulgaria, Europas – Bulgaria, Euroguidance – Bulgaria, Eurodesk – Bulgaria and National VET team – Bulgaria in the period 05.05.2022 – 05.17.2022. 44 organizations from all over the country took part in the competition.
In the period 30.11.2022 – 03.12.2022, in Sakarya, Turkey the final international meeting under the SONKEI project was held, which was attended by 8 partner organizations form 8 European countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Croatia. The partners discussed the project activities so far, as well as the practical educational tool for children and youth to raise awareness about violence in sport.
In the period 01.12 – 03.12.2022, the final conference and the final meeting of the “Sports, health and fUn for preschool childreN/SUN” project was held in the town of Samobor, Croatia. Each partner country in the consortium presented the educational sports activities carried out with the preschool children and kindergarten teachers at the national level, and the achieved results were also discussed. Kalinka Gudarovska – board member of BSDA, Diana Hadjiangelova and Velina Andonova – coordinators of health policies and social activities in BSDA took part in the meeting on behalf of Bulgarian sports development association.