In the period 8-10 December 2022, in Milan, Italy, an international meeting under the "Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport - InSport" project was held, which brought together partners from 4 European countries - Bulgaria, Italy, Lithuania and Turkey. Sports for inclusion and inclusion for Sport is a project that seeks to encourage social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport through improvement of skills of coaches, trainers and other staff of organizations active in the fields of sport, youth work and social care and activities related to the social inclusion through sports - Bulgarian sports development association, which is a partner of the initiative from Bulgaria, was represented by Joanna Dochevska, Stefka Djobova and Ivelina Kirilova.
The second edition of the innovative international networking event gathering professionals working in the Sport Sector was implemented in Milan in the period 09-10 of December 2022. The initiative aims at establishing new collaborations, improve the quality of already development projects and design new sport projects in the framework of the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union. The EUSportLab took place in a historical sport building in Milan - Palazzina Appiani - built as the entrance hall of the arena at the beginning of the 19th century with original function to be the official gallery and guest residence to host Napoleon’s family during his public appearances.
Within the framework of a contest for the best presentation in a national initiative to celebrate May 9 – Europe Day and within the framework of the "European Year of Youth" 2022, organized within the framework of accompanying activities eTwinning for Bulgaria, Europas – Bulgaria, Euroguidance – Bulgaria, Eurodesk – Bulgaria and National VET team – Bulgaria in the period 05.05.2022 – 05.17.2022. 44 organizations from all over the country took part in the competition.
In the period 30.11.2022 – 03.12.2022, in Sakarya, Turkey the final international meeting under the SONKEI project was held, which was attended by 8 partner organizations form 8 European countries – Bulgaria, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Turkey and Croatia. The partners discussed the project activities so far, as well as the practical educational tool for children and youth to raise awareness about violence in sport.
In the period 01.12 – 03.12.2022, the final conference and the final meeting of the “Sports, health and fUn for preschool childreN/SUN” project was held in the town of Samobor, Croatia. Each partner country in the consortium presented the educational sports activities carried out with the preschool children and kindergarten teachers at the national level, and the achieved results were also discussed. Kalinka Gudarovska – board member of BSDA, Diana Hadjiangelova and Velina Andonova – coordinators of health policies and social activities in BSDA took part in the meeting on behalf of Bulgarian sports development association.
In the period 01-03 December 2022, the Autonomous University of Barcelona hosted the final meeting of the Happy Bones initiative, which is co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme and is jointly implemented by Universtà degli Studi di Roma Foro Italico (Italy), Istituto Europeo per lo Sviluppo Socio Economico (Italy), Alexandre Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Romania), Gazi University (Turkey), Fundació Salut i Envelliment (Spain) and Bulgarian sports development association (Bulgaria).
In the period 02-03 December 2022, within the framework of the third international scientific congress "Applied Sciences in Sports", Bulgarian sports development association presented the current activities of the organization, including an analysis of the inclusive initiatives supported by the Erasmus+ programme, implemented within the framework of the Train4Inclusive initiative. #Train4Inclusive is an initiative co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union, which is implemented by an international consortium including representatives of Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Slovenia and Spain and aims to develop a methodology and tools that sports coaches and managers of sports activities for people with disabilities are going to be able to use to monitor the progress of their physical, cognitive and social skills.
In the period 02-03 December 2022, within the framework of the third international scientific congress "Applied Sciences in Sports", Bulgarian sports development association presented the current activities of the organization, including the results of research on the security of sports events, implemented within the SafeSPORTevent initiative. #SafeSPORTevent project comes in very challenging times for Europe and the World when safety and security are crucial and the sport sector is not an exception. #SafeSPORTevent is an Erasmus+ co-funded initiative that aims to protect athletes, officials and fans, participating in sport events, from health and safety hazards by improving training and competition conditions and especially during forcemajor security threads that need to be handled by specific security protocols.
In the period 02-03 December 2022, within the framework of the third international scientific congress "Applied Sciences in Sports", Bulgarian sports development association presented the current activities of the organization, including the SMILE initiative to leading scientists, coaches and experts from Bulgaria and abroad. Sport, Motivation, Inclusion, Leadership, Engagement – #SMILE project aims to analyse the link between sport and inclusion in an innovative and different way – by ensuring international participation in sport activities of persons with intellectual disabilities. An international sports event is coming, within the framework of the initiative, which will be held in Croatia in April 2023.
More than 300 children took part in the first indoor competition of the season on the 27th of November 2022. The Darko Team Baby Cup – second edition, kicked off the athletics competition under a roof at the capital's Asics Arena. The competition was meant for children between the ages of 4 and 13 and was open to all – whether they were carded athletes, members of a racing club or wanted to take their first steps into athletics.
On November 26, 2022, in Sofia, Bulgaria, a local sports event under the ONE GOAL project was held, in which more than 30 girls and women – athletes and coaches in different sports – took part. During the event, theoretical and practical sessions were held, in which topics such as practical knowledge and skills, the necessary practice and qualification needed to practice women's football, methods and practices for the promotion of female football coaches, the promotion of physical and technical qualities of female football players, contemporary role models in women's football and effective psychological methods and techniques for working with adolescents, were discussed.
On the 23rd of November, 2022, in Sofia, Bulgaria, on the territory of the "Vasil Levski" National Sports Academy, Bulgarian sports development association held a dissemination event and introduced the students to the "BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents" project. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: the need to increase skills and employability, modernize education, training and youth work with a focus on young people and the development of transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe.
In the period 22-25 November 2022, an international meeting in the framework of the “Sport&NFE” initiative, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, was held in Cologne, Germany. During the event were discussed the developed so far educational content and implemented project activities, as well as the upcoming International conference Education through Sport, which will be held in Sofia in May 2023.
The Bulgarian Sports Development Association-led #SafeSPORTevent project is an official partner of the International Forum for Sports Safety 2022 – the first global step for international sports safety cooperation, which was held on the 24th of November, 2022. The event is organized by the Korea Sports Safety Foundation (KSSF), together with the Korea Sports and Olympic Committee (KSOC) and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The event was broadcasted live on YouTube and recordings are available at the website of the initiative:
On the 22nd of November, 2022, in Boyana National Football Base, Bulgaria, the first meeting within the framework of the Council of Europe initiative – Start to talk was held, during which measures and policies for protection of children in sports were discussed, as well as the current models and key elements needed for the development of the roles of child protection officers, such as skills, knowledge and individual experience. Ivaylo Zdravkov – board member of BSDA, took part in the meeting, on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association.
On November 21st, 2022, a dissemination event under the Happy Bones project was held at the "Vasil Levski" National sport academy, which aimed to inform sports specialists, trainers, coaches and sports pedagogues with the specific "Happy Bones" methodology, in which adapted physical activity is applied to people diagnosed with osteoporosis – a progressive metabolic disease of the skeleton. As a result of destruction of the collagen matrix, the bones become thinner and lose their density. The balance between the processes of construction and degradation of bone tissue is disturbed in favor of degradation. Bones become brittle, leading to more frequent fractures – especially in the wrists, spine and hips. With the most dramatic consequences is the fracture in the area of the femoral neck, that is why the creation and validation of such type of protocols is of utmost importance for the correct rehabilitation, recovery and treatment of such type of diseases.
In the period 15-18 November 2022 in Sofia, Bulgaria was held #SafeSPORTevent final meeting that gathered the partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Greece and Turkey to evaluate the project progress and to plan together the future project actions. During the mobility, the consortium took part as well in International conference “Strategic rethinking: new NATO’s strategic concept and the EU’s strategic compass. Perspectives from the Central and Eastern European Member States”, organized by Sofia Security Forum, project partner. During the event, #SafeSPORTevent team had the opportunity to present project outputs, as well as ideas and good practices in the field of safety and security in sport and has been exchanged views on the potential development of the mutual cooperation on the topic in the future.
On November 13, 2022, during the sports holiday "Choose your of sports", held at the “Vasil Levski” National Sports Academy, Bulgarian sports development association held an event under the #SafeSPORTevent project. The security protocols created within the project, the potential risks and threats in the conduct of sporting events, as well as the necessary measures and protocols to optimize the security and safety of spectators, administrative staff, athletes and officials were presented and discussed.
On November 13, 2022, during the sports holiday "Choose your way of sports", held at the "Vasil Levski" National Sports Academy, the activities and the e-learning platform, part of the "BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents" project, were presented. During the event the following topics were discussed and debated: the need to increase skills and employability, modernize education, training and youth work with a focus on young people and the development of transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe.
In the period 07 – 11 November 2022, in Kaunas, Lithuania, an international meeting and a final conference of the ONE GOAL project were held, in which coaches and experts from 5 partner countries – Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Uruguay and the hosts from Lithuania took part. Kornelia Naydenova, Zlatka Gaberova and Ivaylo Zdravkov took part in the meeting on behalf of the Bulgarian sports development association – a partner in the project.
On November 9, 2022, a training of pedagogical counselors and psychologists from the capital’s “Mladost" district was held, during which Joanna Dochevska – chairperson of the board of BSDA, presented the "BOOST – Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents" project. During the meeting the following topics were discussed: the need to increase skills and employability, modernize education, training and youth work with a focus on young people and the development of transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe.
In the period 01.11.–04.11.2022 in Cascais, Portugal, a final meeting under the MOVING – Learning through mobility of sports’ volunteers project was held. The sports events for people with disabilities were presented, during which the methods developed within the project were tested, as well as the training of the young volunteers in each country of the present partnership, who had the opportunity to participate in the sports events at local level and practice what they have learnt.
On the 31st of October 2022, in the city center of Sofia, an orienteering competition for social inclusion was held. Participants were young people aged between 18 and 30 years old who were previously introduced to the participatory mapping method, which refers to community mapping that combines modern cartography with participatory methods to reflect and represent the spatial knowledge of local communities. The young people were divided into 5 teams of 6, each accompanied by a sports coach and a social worker. Each participant received an ORIENT kit with a set of sports orienteering tools developed specifically for the event by the project partners.
On the 28th of October, 2022, in Opatija, Croatia, Vere Montis NGO organized a dissemination event under the "BOOST-Boosting Outstanding Omnicompetent Successful Talents” project. The event was held at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management, within the Entrepreneurship week, which was held in the period 24 – 28 October. During the event, the project itself was presented, the transversal skills and their importance for the personal and professional development of young people in Europe, as well as the BOOST e-learning platform – an innovative easy-to use tool, including videos and contents regarding the most important transversal skills. The participants in the event showed great interest in the e-learning platform and received copies of the #BOOST Transversal Skills Development Handbook for youth workers.
In the period 24-26 October 2022, a meeting of the Sports, health and fun for preschool children/SUN project consortium was held in Mirandela, Portugal, which aimed to analyze the activities carried out in each of the partner countries. The event was attended by Joanna Dochevska – chairperson of the Bulgarian sports development association (the Bulgarian partner of the initiative). A number of trainings and sports activities that took place at national level in the last two years were presented, as well as the sports event for children and parents “Mom, Dad and I”, which was implemented in Zaimov Park on the 21st of October 2022.
In the period 25-26.10.2022, at the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy, Sofia, Bulgarian sports development association held an event under the ENDURANCE project, which was attended by more than 160 coaches, sports specialists, sports pedagogues, physiotherapists and sports managers. The project is implemented in partnership with eight partners from seven countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Finland, Italy, Slovakia and Spain). During the event, topics such as project management, administration and reporting, guidelines and practical recommendations for the operation of the online interactive training platform "ENDURANCE", practical tasks and forms of creating and administering business projects, were discussed.
On the 21st of October, 2022, a sports holiday "Mom, dad and I" was held in Zaimov Park, which was attended by more than 120 children from the 195 "Mormarevi Brothers" kindergarten. The participants had fun with sports and relay games, and Darko Team Athletics School contributed to the sports smiles, which besides with the sports specialists, joined in with an attractive mascot that delighted the children – the Darko wasp. A large number of volunteers took care of the excellent organization, including young people from metropolitan schools and young sports specialists from the Vasil Levski National Sports Academy.
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